"what a good day for you to die"

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my boy — billie Eilish — 2:50

After that weird yet comforting interaction, the day went pretty much back to its boring self.

Then our boss came in.


if im honest, he terrifies me. Rubius also hardly around, if he is, hes in the back in his office checking security cameras.. Im honestly scared. Because he refuses to tell any of the other employees where the security cameras are.

I physically am shaking, as adrenaline runs through my body from such fear.

"Quackity," Rubius called out, look straight at me.. "are you cold?" he asked with his tone soft. "o-oh yea i am—" i said quickly trying to avoiding any small talk. "why dont you come into my office.. and ill give you my sweater." Rubius smirked at me. its clear he wanted to get me alone with him. i didnt want to reject rubius because something told me he keep pushing if i did.

"He can wear mine." Roier blurted.

Rubius clearly rolled his eyes annoyed, "its not a problem roier—" rubius tried to shut down the idea, but roier quickly shut him back down. "Great then ill go get my sweater and you can head over to your office." Roier said, i couldnt express in words or actions how grateful i was to have a friend like him. Rubius groaned and walked off to his office.

I smiled at roier, Roier smiled back.

i murmured thanks. he simply nodded his head, and continued to mop the floor.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick, i felt uneasy but a bit of security knowing roier was with me.

Everything was going just fine, until i had to close up the door. Roier doesnt stay until closing, he normally leaves 20 minutes before. As i locked up the door, i felt someone staring at me. I looked around to see rubius. "O-oh hi!.." i said quite startled. "did i startle you?" Rubius chuckled. "a bit." i hesitated while saying this. Rubius shrugged it off, "why dont you come and ride with me? a pretty boy like you shouldnt walk back home so late.. anything could happen." Rubius said his voice lingering on those last words 'anything could happen' it was like he was trying to scare me. If Rubius was trying to scare me, well it worked.

because the next second i was in his car, feeling terrified. I felt rubius' eyes more on me then on the road. He often took wrong turns.. and i had to tell him he did. Rubius just excused it off with him forgetting the way.

I indented my nails into my thighs.. i felt like crying, my visison got blurry. I couldnt stand being in that car one more second.. the finally straw was when he tried to touch my thigh. "You need some prince treatment." His voice still lingered. "you can stop here." i said trying not to break. I threw his hand off me, "pull over, ill walk the rest of the way."

He didnt listen.

"PULL OVER." i raised my voice.

Rubius continued to drive.

Rubius rubbed my thighs.. i gripped his hand with my nails. Rubius yelped out, "okay okay fine ill pull over!"

i felt relived as i shut the door to his car, and ran to my apartment.

i seriously ran.

i may have not ran for anything in my life.

but this one situation.. i felt like

if i didnt run.

Rubius be right behind me.

I ran into my apartment locking the door straight away. My breath heavy and quick, i couldnt pace myself. i broke down crying.

I spent the rest of the night napping and devouring a tub of ice cream while watching movies.

"𝘽𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣" || LUCKITY || eng book !!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang