Chapter 84: The Face of True Evil, Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Requesting my deity to carry us into battle is not appropriate."

"She isn't appropriate to begin with!"

Vao felt a lightbulb go off in his head, raising his finger. "Ooh, I have an idea!"

Sapphire giggled. "Bombs? I love bombs!"

"No, you little terrorist," Vao snickered. He stood to his feet, sticking his pinkies in his mouth and letting out a loud, piercing whistle. "Agot! Dad needs you!"

The soldiers, who had just started climbing back to their feet, froze when they heard the distant roar, a massive black shadow engulfing them as the dragon rose from underneath the castle with scales as black as night. The First Sasha's jaw dropped.

"He fucked a DRAGON!?"

"Don't be surprised," Sasha muttered. "He's done so much worse... So, so much worse. Dragons are a walk in the park for this guy."

Vao extended his arms happily, waving them in the air to catch Agot's attention. "C'mere, mate!"

Agot snatched the Heroes in his clawed feet, smoke billowing from his nostrils as he took to the air, racing after the God of Light.

And deeper within the castle, standing in front of a home where something had fallen inside, the Second Vao was wearing a welding mask and a soldering gun. The Second Yin crossed his arms. "We don't have time for this! Why didn't you ever say you were good at engineering, anyway!? You can't even do basic math!"

"I built my weapon from scratch and modified my prosthetic to launch homemade grenades, you seriously didn't realize I can't build something?" The Second Vao muttered. "And b'sides, I'm not doing mathematics. I'm just putting together wotever looks like it goes together. Look, it's turning on!"

White headlights that functioned as eyes flickered, the ancient golem coming to life. "... SALUTATIONS. MY NAME IS PENNY. THANK YOU FOR REPAIRING ME."

"Yeah, that's great," the Second Sasha said. "Look, we're about to fight something that's almost a god. Can you help us out?"


The soldiers had just picked up their weapons when the air boomed again, another massive shadow overtaking them as Penny flew through the air with rockets, her machine guns gunning down the abominations as she passed on her way to the clouds. Mono gritted her teeth, pointing at Muriel.

"You're in charge!"

The banshee wiped at her ever-teary eyes in horror. "M-ME!? B-but Milady, I-I'm not capable of such things!"

"Silence! You're in charge!" Mono snapped. The Cult Leader bent her legs into a squat, the air rippling around her as her horns grew from her head. She cracked the ground when she jumped, launching herself through the clouds. Winter growled, running back to the airships. She came back moments later with a great steel box on her back, wearing it as if it were a backpack.

"Schnee, what are you doing!?" Ironwood shouted.

"What I commissioned as an officer to do! Fight! Sir!" She screamed back. The jetpack roared to life as the General blasted through the air, snatching a machine gun from a soldier's hand before beelining for the clouds.

Salem covered her fast as she passed through the white puffiness, the First Vao staring through a monocular. The Lord of Grimmore pointed forward. "Dead ahead!"

The God of Light shone on the blue canvas of the sky, the demigods dropping onto the cloud. It acted as land for them, holding their weight. He looked down at them, his scythe vanishing and his fingers glowing with power.

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