Chapter 57

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After their exams were over, the school let everyone off for their winter break.

By the time their exam results were released, Duan Jiayan was already in Hai City.

Duan Jiayan was pleasantly surprised when he saw his results on the electronic scoreboard. He had placed 462th in his level and the difficulty of the questions this time was not low. He initially thought his grades would drop but who would have known that they would actually improve by a little bit.

Fu Yuan was just as pleasantly surprised to see his results and as a way of rewarding his progress would take time to bring him out shopping, buying him quite a few things that he liked.

Fu Yuan knew that he constantly play games and so decided to just have the PC set up at home upgraded to a better one. Duan Jiayan was very pleased as he clicked about on the glowing multicoloured keyboard.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Duan Jiayan was in his room playing on his new PC. Fu Yuan had come in quite a few times to bring him snacks and ask if he wanted to come out t watch some television with them or play some cards.

Duan Jiayan was still not used to being in Hai City and so pretended to be busy with his games, “Mom, you go on ahead, I’ve already gotten into a queue— Ah! See, my teammates are rushing me, I’ve to go play first.”

Fu Yuan did not understand the world of his games so she could only leave first as she watched him busily type away on his keyboard, “If you get bored, just come out to play cards with us.”

As she spoke, she could see that he intended to play for a long time and could not feel assured, “Don’t play for too long, remember to rest your eyes.”

Duan Jiayan nodded his head.

After Fu Yuan left, Duan Jiayan’s fingers on the keyboard stopped and he lazily stretched his back.

It was common for queues to take really long during the Lunar New Year, he had already been stuck on the queue menu for more than 10 minutes.

While feeling bored, he also suddenly felt like his body was feeling a little soft.

A familiar tingle crawled up his spine. Duan Jiayan froze for a moment and could feel his body slowly heating up.

He had always known that his heats don’t follow a set schedule but in that instant, he too felt that this timing was quite inopportune.

It could not have come either a little earlier or later, it just had to come when he was celebrating the Lunar New Year.

He hurriedly made his way from the computer to his bed and dug out his inhibitor.

As he was injecting his inhibitor, a wave of sharp pain travelled up his arm. His skin was also slowly turning red. Just as he was fumbling about, his game notified him that a match was found.

Duan Jiayan did not have any energy to accept the match. After the inhibitor was used, the uncomfortable heat gradually faded but the pain from the stress disorder seemed to be getting worse.

He saw that he only had a few seconds left. Duan Jiayan hesitated but ultimately did not accept the match.

In his condition, he’ll only be pulling his teammates down. Duan Jiayan kicked off his slippers and laid down on his bed with his blanket covering him.

However, a blanket alone was unable to fully block out alpha pheromones. He had no idea how many alphas were nearby but those pheromones slowly drilled under his skin, like a thousand silver needles poking him.

After some time, Duan Jiayan simply could not take it any longer. He reached for his phone and called Lu Xingci.

He wanted to give Lu Xingci a call to distract himself.

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