Chapter 49

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As both their starting position were closer to the front, when they were running they naturally ran in front.

After setting out from the university, in front of them was the most famous lake of Ning City. On the cold winter night, the trees by the lake were all bare, and the roads were dusted with a light layer of snow.

After running for a while, the group gradually dispersed. Seeing Duan Jiayan running in the group at his own pace, as if he came prepared, a few runners called out to him.

“Bros, which school are you guys from?” A male student asked after observing both Lu Xingci and him. “Seeing your light sticks, you came from Ning Medical College, right? We’re from the same school then, which are you in?”

Duan Jiayan, “No, these were given to us by a lady.”

Lu Xingci continued, “We’re both in the second year of high school.”

A male student happily said, “Little junior!”

Beside him were a few more people, there were guys and girls. After hearing they were high school students, a few of them looked over excitedly, “You two skipped classes to come here? You’re a couple?”

Lu Xingci, “No, I’m his…”

He initially wanted to say classmate but as he was about to say it, he paused and smiled, “I’m his suitor.”

A few guys started laughing after hearing this.

A few girls also laughed along while sneaking glances at Duan Jiayan and him.

Among the laughs, Duan Jiayan raised his head and looked at Lu Xingci with a deadpan expression.

Under the stare, Lu Xingci kept his smile and tried to put on a serious face, “Seniors, don’t laugh, I’m a little embarrassed.”

Duan Jiayan, “……”

Duan Jiayan thought, “You still know what it means to feel embarrassed?”

“Not laughing not laughing, hey— you guys, stop laughing.”

“Pfft… Kids these days, they mature so quickly huh?”

“We were the ones that grew up too late,” a girl chimed in. “I had a crush on a guy in my high school class for three years, even till the day of our graduation I did not dare confess. I regret my actions to this day.”

The girl was extraverted, as she spoke, she nodded towards Lu Xingci, “Junior, I wish you success in chasing the other junior!”

“That’s right that’s right,” The girl beside her chimed in, looking at Duan Jiayan. “Junior, do consider him a little! Once you reach university, you will realise the guys around you aren’t as good looking as the ones in high school.”

Duan Jiayan looked at the senior sisters that were more excited than even Lu Xingci and thought to himself, “I like girls, whether a guy looks good or not does not seem to affect me.”

But because of where he is, he did not say it out loud.

Feeling complex, Duan Jiayan nodded his head.

Seeing him nod, these few university students got excited once again and passionately threw out an “After your entrance examination, do consider coming to our medical college!”, before running off in groups of twos and threes.


As the marathon’s distance was very long, everyone could initially run together at first but as it went on, most of the participants chose to walk instead.

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