Chapter 15

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The marking speed of First Middle was famous.

The next morning following the test the day before, most of the subject scores were already announced the morning following the test day; by the afternoon, the student’s total score and grade ranking table were also calculated.

Duan Jiayan went to see the results.

When he found out that he was in the bottom 100 of the grade, Duan Jiayan blinked to make sure he was not mistaken.

Song Yi was also stunned: “Did you secretly sneak on a study bus behind my back?”

“Onto a bus? There’s no such thing.” Duan Jiayan pointed at the test results stuck on the classroom wall: “This is the result of my strength.”

Song Yi looked towards the top of the score sheet.

Lu Xingci still held first place in the grade.

“My God.” Song Yi saw that stunning score. Even if he was used to it, he was still surprised: “The total score of the class president is more than twice that of mine.”

“That’s your problem. Reflect on it,” Duan Jiayan casually answered. He took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the results, and sent it to Fu Yuan.

Fu Yuan quickly replied to his WeChat.

Seeing his achievements this time, Fu Yuan was surprised and encouraged him. Then she asked him if he still wanted to live in the dormitory.

Duan Jiayan replied with a confirmation.

Fu Yuan saw his firm attitude, so she agreed to let him move into the dormitory. If he needed help, she offered to ask Uncle He to help him with his luggage. However, Duan Jiayan politely refused her kindness.

After every monthly exam, the class seating is rearranged.

Zhao Minjun decided on the seating chart. She separated the students who often gathered together to have side-chatter and adjusted some seats based on what the students wanted.

While shuffling seats, Zhao Minjun announced from the platform: “The school will be holding the autumn sports meeting next week. Students who want to participate can register with the Sports Committee after moving seats.”

The classroom responded with spaced agreements. Zhao Minjun said with a smile: “Last year, we lost our first place by only a few points. If you guys just push a bit harder this year, perhaps our class can overtake the sports class.”

A few boys raised their hands: “Teacher Zhao, is it true that the class president of the winning class will receive a scholarship?”

“That’s right,” Zhao Minjun confidently continued: “if you win the scholarship, I’ll take all of you out to eat.”

Once she finished speaking, the boys all started to converse noisily:

“To receive this meal from Teacher Zhao, let’s all sign up together.”

“Who’s going to do the 3000-meter run? Why don’t you do it, Zhou Xingchen? You got second place last year.”

“Brother Lu can run the Relay Race. He’s the most stable.”

“The class president will sign up for many different events.” Song Yi parted Duan Jiayan’s shoulder: “Our Xiao-Duan is pretty good too. Xiao-Duan, do you want to do the long jump or high jump?”


Someone else added: “Matching the prettiest classmate with the most studious classmate of the school makes for a pretty strong battle array.”

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