Chapter 8

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Lu XingCi finished his exercise book with four minutes to spare.

Not long after, the students who were using their mobile phones to look up the answers were also done with their chapter. They took photos of their exercise books and sent them into the class’ discussion group to share their answers. The atmosphere among them was quite enjoyable.

When the chemistry teacher had come out, he saw the exercise books laid out neatly on the ground. His gaze first went to Lu XingCi before moving onto the rest, “All done?”

The students nodded, and the chemistry teacher got them to send someone along with the class representative to carry the exercise books to the teacher’s office.

“If most of the answers are correct, I’ll take it that you guys have studied properly and let what happened earlier go. If there are too many mistakes, the knowledge points you guys need to copy will still need to be copied.”

A few female students hurriedly said, “Thank you teacher!”

“Go on in,” the teacher said. “There won’t be a next time. If you guys want to skip class again, just don’t do it when it’s my lesson.”

Inside the classroom.

Song Yi opened the bottle of water on his table and took a big gulp. Duan JIaYan was initially looking for his powerbank when he heard Song Yi exclaim, “I think our class monitor is really not bad.”

Without raising his head, Duan JiaYan, “Didn’t you always think he was not bad?”

“That’s different. Previously I was looking through the lens of a fan. With his capabilities, along with his charismatic aura, I was purely admiring him as a male god. But after what has happened, I really feel that his personality is pretty good after all.”

Duan JiaYan didn’t respond to that.

“Dude, you still don’t like him?”

Song Yi turned his head and saw that Duan JiaYan had found his powerbank. He charged his phone and as if remembering something, lazily pursed his bottom lip.

Song Yi heard Duan JiaYan ambiguously saying, “It’s just like that.”


When Lu XingCi returned home on Friday night, Jiang Yao was just done playing mahjong with a group of rich taitais and was just directing the family’s auntie to clean up the table.

When they saw Lu XingCi, some commented, “Lu XingCi is so tall now?”

“This child grew up well, just like his mother.”

“His grades are good as well right? I heard our family’s Yuan Yuan say Lu XingCi got first place during the entrance exam,” one of the taitai said with a bright smile. She was part envious but still genuinely asked, “How did you teach him to be so good?”

“I didn’t teach anything,” Jiang Yao said genially. “He has been this sensible since young.”

Jiang Yao has always been healthy, with a pretty face. Apart from a few wrinkles at the corner of her eyes, she did not look like other women her age at all.

After sending away her friends, Jiang Yao walked up to Lu XingCi and smelt the faint scent on tobacco on him and paused, “DId you smoke?”

“I went to the cybercafe for a while,” Lu XingCi said. “I didn’t smoke.”

Jiang Yao gave an ‘en’ in reply, “Your grandma fell down yesterday and is now in staying in the Nan Shan hospital.”


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