Chapter 32

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After being hugged for a while, Duan Jiayan felt the other loosening his arms. He immediately took a step back and left Lu Xingci’s embrace.

Lu Xingci’s pheromone made Duan Jiayan feel very comfortable. He was able to feel the lemon scent that floated in the air.

Duan Jiayan smirked, “My body is buffed now?”

Without waiting for Lu Xingci to speak, he continued, “Say, if I go chase Jiang Qinian now, will she start to like me?”

Lu Xingci pondered for a bit, “That’s probably not possible.”

Duan Jiayan laughed as he tutted.

He did not want to return to his dorm for now. After thinking it over, Duan Jiayan told Lu Xingci, “I want to go to the internet cafe, you can go back first.”

“With Song Yi?”

“Song Yi today…” Duan Jiayan paused, unable to say the word “heat” out loud. “He’s been under the weather recently, I’ll go look for Shen Chilie.”

As he spoke, he lowered his head to play with his phone.

Lu Xingci’s gaze dipped as he studied Duan Jiayan.

“I want to go to the internet cafe too.” Lu Xingci suddenly said. “Why not go there with me? Shen Chilie still has not ended class, you still have to wait for him.”

Duan Jiayan’s fingers paused.

He hesitated for a moment before feeling like the suggestion made some sense. He raised his head towards Lu Xingxi and asked with some suspicion, “You don’t need to go home? I tend to play till pretty late.”

“How late?”

“Around midnight, I might even play through the night.”

Lu Xingci frowned at the thought of Duan Jiayan staying overnight at the internet cafe, his body tainted with the smell of others. An irrational surge of annoyance surfaced once again.

He felt like he’d been pretty weird lately. Lu Xingci pressed down on his messy thoughts and gave an “En”.

There were five to six internet cafes behind Yi Zhong. Duan Jiayan went to the one he frequented the most.

After entering the internet cafe with Lu Xingci, the both of them looked for machines to sit down at when he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

“Duan Jiayan!” Heipi was enthusiastically calling to him as if he was a relative of his. “This way, this way! Come sit here, form a team with us!”

Duan Jiayan was afraid he wouldn’t be able to hear him and so replied in a louder volume, “I’m looking for two seats beside each other.”

The cafe was both crowded and noisy. Heipi faintly heard him asking for two seats and was wondering what exactly one person needed two seats for when he noticed who was standing behind Duan Jiayan. He could not stop a ‘fuck’ from being blurted out.

He immediately recovered and said, “Come over here! There are two seats beside each other here!”

Heipi watched as Duan Jiayan sat down beside him, before glancing over to Lu Xingci who sat on Duan Jiayan’s other side.


“Why did you kidnap Lu-ge over?” As he spoke, Heipi thought of a possibility. “Is what is written on that forum thread true? F*ck, can’t you learn to study hard like Lu-ge, instead of getting him to accommodate you and come to places like these.”

Before Duan Jiayan could respond, Lu Xingci decided to cut in after overhearing their conversation, he could not help laughing, “It’s fine, I just like accommodating him.”

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