Chapter 18

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The brilliant 3000-meters race not only moved the students, but it also moved some of the teachers who were present.

There were four P.E. teachers responsible for the second-year class. In this sports competition, all four teachers were part of the judging team. One of the teachers, whose surname is He, taught both class ten and the P.E. class. When he saw his students put in so much effort for the sports competition, he was very touched.

“What an exciting match!” Teacher, He said to Zhao Minjun, “Teacher Zhao, the Duan Jiayan of your class is a good student! It’s been a long time since I last saw a child with such a sense of collective honor! ”

Zhao Minjun said with a smile: “He really does have a sense of honor and he’s indeed a good student.”

On the second day of the sports competition, knowing that the sports class and class ten were facing off in the final event, Teacher He volunteered to step up onto the platform. He decided to temporarily serve as the commentator of the relay race, so the teachers and students of the whole school could fully experience the delight of the sports competition.

Wanting to hype up the stakes, before the event, Teacher He announced: “This 4 x 400-meter relay race is crucial. If class ten wins these 5 points, they will surpass the sports class in one fell swoop, taking first place in this sports competition. On the contrary, if the sports class wins steadily, they will win the championship two consecutive times. This sort of decisive event, we usually call it…”

Teacher He pondered for a long moment and still did not know what to call it.

Someone under the platform called out: “Teacher, this is called the Battle for the Emperor’s Mountain.”

“Yes, exactly! The Battle for Emperor’s Mountain is about to start.” Teacher He very cooperatively picked up the topic: “before the competition, let the two classes of students encourage the athletes. The students of the sports class can cheer first!”

“Come on, brother Lin! Show us the style of being on the provincial team!”

“Tanned classmate, charge forth for us!”

When the PE class yelled enough, Teacher He began to encourage the other class: “Students of class ten, let the athletes hear your cheers!”

“You got this, class president!”

“The school grass is the most handsome! The school boss is the most awesome!” *T/N: School grass = most handsome boy in the grade (Lu Xingci). School Boss = Duan Jiayan.

“Class ten is superb*! ” *T/N: Slang meaning awesome. See the end for notes.

“The students on both sides are very passionate.” Teacher He was very satisfied: “Then let’s introduce the contestants of the two classes again. The first runner of class ten is Duan Jiayan, followed by Chen Yue, Zhou Xingchen, and Lu Xingci; the first one of the sports class is Jiang Lin, followed by Gu Chengyu and Zhou Qiao, with the last one being Lin Zheng. They are all handsome guys and are very eye-catching, standing on the runway. ”

Gu Li, standing by the starting line, screamed while waving his hand: “Zhou Xingchen! Move over a bit! Don’t get in the way of me taking pictures of Brother Lu and Xiao-Duan! ”

“…†Zhou Xingchen was speechless: “I’m really amazed by that girl. Instead of taking Polaroids of her boyfriend, she’s only thinking of taking pictures of you two all day.”

Duan Jiayan was curious: “Why?”

“I don’t know. She said she was a fan of how you and brother Lu looked together. You should quickly find a girlfriend to turn her from a fan into just a passerby. Same for brother Lu.”

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