Chapter 7

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Class Ten got the match point, all they had to do was win the next round and the entire match will be over.

After the third round started, perhaps it was because of the disparity in the scores but the sports class was getting a little impatient, with many moves not executed well.

On the other side, because of that last shot in the previous round, Duan JiaYan felt that he actually has quite a bit of chemistry with Lu XingCi, their level of cooperation got better as the match went on, resulting in the difference between the scores to increase exponentially.

The atmosphere on the court was getting tenser.

Unlike their explosive confrontation at the start, the Sports Class felt that they could actually lose this match and their actions got more desperate, with Du XuChen’s being the most obvious.

Even if he had to miss the ball, he’s determined to make things difficult for Duan JiaYan.

When playing basketball, it is very normal to collide with other players but to do it as much as Du XuChen, Duan JiaYan could clearly see that the other guy was out to get him.

It’s just a pity that his speed was too slow, Duan JiaYan only had to pay a little more attention to his actions and he could easily avoid him.

With one last rebound, the round was over.

“44 – 23”

What a massacre.

“Aaaaa! My brothers in the Sports Class,” Chen Yue, who was sitting outside the basketball court, cried out. “The square dance on the flag-raising podium?”

A few of the students from the Sports Class were still devasted at the result of the match, and after hearing someone still asking for them to go perform the Square Dance, one by one slowly revealed an apprehensive expression. They clearly were reluctant to hold onto their end of the deal.

Seeing how the other side wanted to renege on their promise, the boys in Class Ten were clearly unhappy, “You dare to challenge us but don’t dare fulfil your end of the bet? You think you guys are masters even though you lost?”

“Weren’t you guys pretty adamant before?” It wasn’t sure who shouted out Hei Pi’s name, “Jiang Lin, what happened to your class?”

“That’s right, you aren’t the type to run away from a promise right Jiang Lin?”

Boys all have a certain level of self-esteem, especially Hei Pi, who is what one might consider a typical boy in society, with a strong sense of dedication and righteousness. When he heard the other side calling him by his name, he felt that they were respecting him and giving him face.

“Let’s dance,” Hep Pi gritted his teeth, looking towards his side of the court. “Previously we agreed to the bet in front of so many people, let’s not make an ass of ourselves.”

The boys in the Sports Class all looked ashen, especially when they overheard Duan JiaYan and Lu XingCi discussing whether to play ‘My Wife is the Best’ or ‘Seven Beautiful Celestial Fairies’. They were all shocked at Duan JiaYan’s crude song choices.

Lu XingCi couldn’t help laughing when he saw Duan JiaYan’s choice of songs, “I don’t really know these songs, you choose the song instead.”

Duan JiaYan had a really black heart. Looking left and right, he felt that since it was a Square Dance, these boys can still shamelessly try to weasel their way out of performing by saying that they can’t dance so he thought of an idea, “Why don’t you guys go follow the girls over there dancing aerobics, you have to properly learn the moves!”

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