The doctor who called him in was a female doctor and Duan JiaYan succinctly explained what happened to him. After asking him about his age as well as a few other questions related to his body, she asked, “How did you find out that you might be an Omega?”


“A classmate of mine, he smelled me.”

The female doctor’s hand that was on her mouse paused, “An alpha?”

Duan JiaYan gave an affirmative noise in reply.

“Then that classmate of yours must be a really good person.” The doctor wrote a bill for him, “Go and make payment first, then we’ll do an evaluation for you.”

Thinking back to what Lu XingCi said earlier, Duan JiaYan felt that something was a little odd. After leaving the doctor’s office, he took out his phone and found Shen ChiLie’s contact.

Shen ChiLie and Song Yi were his friends from elementary school, they had a lot of fun playing together. After they got to high school, Shen ChiLie went to Class Four. Shen ChiLie’s an Alpha and back then Song Yi even made a joke about how the three of them could form an ABO band.

Duan JiaYan sent a text message over, [If an Omega asks you to smell him, how will you feel?]

Shen ChiLie was probably playing with his phone and so his response came very quickly.

[I’d feel like I’m incredibly blessed to be there.] 

Duan JiaYan felt that something was still vaguely wrong and sent a series of question marks in response. Seeing Shen ChiLie’s next reply, Duan JiaYan felt like his brain could explode.

[An Omega letting an Alpha smell him, what other meaning could there be?]

[Isn’t it plain and simple seduction?]


Duan JiaYan stood motionless in front of the self-service payment machine for quite a while, he could feel his ears burning up.

He quietly swore under his breath.


That night, Duan JiaYan got his medical report back.

According to the results, the Omega hormones in his body had already exceeded the average amount and it seems like it still has the potential to increase. He was indisputably an Omega that just presented.

It was also the first time the doctor met someone who presented as an Omega at this age and she could see that a myriad of emotions were going through the boy’s handsome face. After the shock has worn down, she carefully instructed Duan JiaYan to take note of certain things and also prescribed some inhibitors and scent blockers for him.

The doctor also reminded Duan JiaYan to find time to change his personal data on the government’s registry, from Beta to Omega.

Duan JiaYan happened to bump into Fu Yuan as he was opening the door to his house.

It seemed like Fu Yuan was rushing out to settle something. She stood by the living room making a few calls, her usually calm demeanour carrying hints of anxiousness, “… Okay, I’ll make my way over soon.”

“Mom,” Duan JiaYan called out to her. “It’s already this late and you’re still heading out?”

“Xiao Yun is in the hospital again,” Fu Yuan replied. “Uncle He is already in the hospital with him. That child’s body has never been the best but the doctor has said that if he makes it pass the age of ten, his condition will get better. If you have time, do pay him a visit, he really likes you…”

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