Volume 3 Chapter 25: Player Vs Program

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''Mercury Black, I will give you one chance to surrender.''

''Aww, what's the fun in that?''

''Very well. Then let me entertain you!''

Pointing her spear staff. The battleship took a stance against her opponent. Mercury merely smirked at her response and took his fighting stance.

''Fighters, are you ready?''

Doctor Oobleck questioned, and it didn't take long for him to receive a nod from both combatants. Seeing as they were eager to duke it out, the doctor would oblige to their wishes and start the countdown.

''Three! Two! One!''



Mercury launched the first strike and closed the distance between him and the KANSEN with his cybernetic legs. The ship girl braced herself as Mercury unleashed a barrage of rapid, devastating kicks aimed at her midsection.


Seeing how her opponent struck first, it was time for Bismarck to retaliate. She lunged forward and thrust the spear staff towards Mercury. Attempting to pierce through his aura with multiple thrusts with precision and power.

Mercury displayed remarkable agility as he backpedaled, narrowly evading Bismarck's thrusts. His cybernetic legs allowed him to dart around like a shadow, and he responded with a burst of compressed air projectiles from his legs. They hurtled toward Bismarck, causing her to deflect them with her spear staff, sending shockwaves down the hallway.

''Well, you certainly are living up to the expectations. I had from you and your team.''

''Such honors may please a weakling, but I am strong.''

''Then bring it on!''

The two combatants continued their dance of battle. Bismarck struck first with all her might, and powerful shockwaves accompanied each thrust of her spear staff. Mercury countered with his agility to maintain his distance from the KANSEN. If one of Bismarck's thrusts were to land, it would be devastating.

As the battle raged on. Mercury started to understand what the ship girl was doing. In sheer power, strength, and durability, she had him beat. The ship girl wanted to overwhelm him with her thrust for at least one of them to land.

With that in mind, he knew he couldn't maintain for much longer. His opponent was starting to show signs of catching up with his speed. Desperation fueled him to launch one final, all-out attack. With a ferocious spinning kick, he aimed for Bismarck's spear staff, hoping to disarm her.

'Disarming me, I think not!'

Bismarck saw Mercury's attempt at disarming her and seized the opportunity. She channeled her immense strength into one last thrust, aiming the tip of her spear staff at Mercury's aura. The corridor trembled as her weapon pierced and shattered her opponent's aura in a brilliant light.

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