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Clarrei smiled as she walked through the forest. She had always loved nature, a perk of growing up with Radagast. After speaking with Beorn the previous day, the Company had decided it would be best to rest a day or so here and then move on to the fastest path, which was, regrettably, through Mirkwood. The darkened forest struck a deep sense of foreboding in Clarrei's heart, as well as the thought of what could lurk in the shadows. But still, she thought, shaking her head and looking about herself. There was no need to worry about that now, not when she had several days at Beorn's to recover her strength. If she remembered right from her last visit, there would be a clearing! Stepping under a low-hanging branch, Clarrei arrived in an open clearing, with a deep pool sparkling in the centre. She smiled as she breathed in the familiar smell of lilies and forget-me-nots that lined the edge of the pool. She sat the clean dress she had brought on a nearby rock, she stretched her arms in the warm, sweet air. Slipping her boots from her aching feet, she began to undress herself, sliding gratefully into the soothing water. She then began to wash her hair, sighing happily as she felt her hair begin to lighten. The only real problem she had on this quest was the inability to wash regularly. As she rinsed the flowery soap from her hair, she was suddenly startled by the snap of a twig nearby. Turning in the water, Clarrei sank further under the water, so that only her head was visible.
"Who's there?" She called, her voice shaking. An awkward shuffling sounded from behind a tree and Thorin slowly came out, his back to her and his hand covering his eyes.
"Thorin?!" She shrieked, sinking deeper underwater.
"Clarrei, I-I am very sorry, I just- I saw you wandering off alone, and I didn't want anything to happen to you, I had no idea-"
"Thorin, can you please just...go...please?" Clarrei muttered, blushing bright red. Thorin coughed before stumbling off into the forest.


Bilbo was astonished to find Thorin repeatedly hitting his head off of a tree trunk outside of Beorn's house.
"Thorin? What are you doing?"
"I-am-punishing-myself-for-being-a blundering-idiot." Thorin growled between thuds. Chuckling, the hobbit pulled Thorin away from the tree.
"I think you've punished yourself enough. Now, what did you do?"
When Thorin finished his story, Bilbo was red in the face from both embarrassment and trying very hard to contain his laughter. Thorin buried his head in his hands, groaning.
"I feel like such a...a..."
"Peeping Tom?" Bilbo asked, his voice strained from contained laughter. Thorin looked up at Bilbo, glaring in annoyance.
"This isn't funny."
"On the contrary." Said Clarrei's voice behind them. "It's very funny."
The sudden appearance of his beloved made Thorin start and fall from his seat on a tree stump, before standing up swiftly and straightening himself up. Clarrei stood there, looking radiant in a long red dress, which was seemingly made of red roses. She smiled at Thorin as he blushed, and Bilbo got to his feet, chuckling. He walked back towards Beorn's house, looking back over his shoulder as he left.
"I'll leave you two to talk." He said, with a smile.
Thorin awkwardly approached the young dragon, keeping his eyes fixed to the floor.
"Clarrei, I would like to apologise for my...intrusion earlier. And I am even more sorry for not leaving when I realised when you started...erm."
He cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing an even deeper red. Clarrei giggled, making him look up. He tried not to look her in the eye, but again and again he found his eyes drawn to her own. How in Mahal's name did she grow more beautiful every time he saw her? He stepped closer to her, gently cupping her face in his hands and planting a kiss on her lips. She returned the embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist. As they broke apart, she suddenly looked him seriously in the eyes.
"Did you...see...anything?"
Thorin's only reply was to grin, wink, and walk away. He laughed as he heard Clarrei start to follow him, calling out.
"Thorin? Did you or not?!"


The next day, the Company spent their time gathering supplies for the journey they would undertake in the morning. But one particular dwarf prince was busy with other business. Thorin was in Beorn's barn, which doubled as a blacksmith's furnace. He was hammering heavily at a mithril chain, sweating in the heat. Even with only a leather apron and trousers on, he was still being boiled alive in here. He dragged his arm across his forehead, blowing out his cheeks in the warmth. Then, with careful precision, he began to fashion the little sapphire that sat beside him into a new shape. The shape of a claw, to match the shape inside the locket attached to the chain. Thorin grunted in annoyance as he squinted his eyes to see better. He wished he had the glasses to do this, but he would have to make do. When he was finished cutting the blue gem, he slipped it carefully into the locket, smiling as it clicked into the claw-shaped locket. A dragon's claw and a Durin sapphire together. What an odd pairing. This was to be his courting gift to Clarrei, a dwarven tradition. Wiping his leather gloves on his apron, Thorin carefully picked up the silver chain, carrying it with all the gentleness of a child as he moved it to a small, mahogany box lined with blue velvet. The box was engraved with the Durin coat of arms, a small image of the Arkenstone above the throne that resided empty in Erebor. Thorin sat the necklace in the box, before carefully closing the box and locking the little silver clasp. He smiled again as he picked up the box. A show of love and caring? Dwalin and his nephews would never let him live it down.

Well, guys, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Thought the forest scene would be funny, little embarrassed Thorin, dawwww! I thought it would also be good to bring in the dwarf custom of courting gifts, since that's in so many fanfictions, so it kind of makes sense. Don't worry, Clarrei will make him one too 😜 enjoy this one for now, and there'll be a new chapter up soon enough! Peace out, my hobbits! 🌷

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