𝟝 𝟚

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I sighed as I didn't want to hurt her by continuously asking so I just tried to talk to her or distract her. She would smile or speak a bit but she wouldn't have a full conversation or chuckle, not even laugh.

She was so out of it and it hurt seeing her slightly shut me out.




It was 4th, and I was bored out of my mind!..

So I decided to bother Wildcat (ツ).

{Wildcat (Massive Shit)|
[Why tf would you eat the weird looking strawberry if its weird fucking looking ಠ_ಠ]

[hmm how about]
[Fuck you]

[ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ]

{Wildcat (Massive Shit) is Typing| . . .

4th started about 3 minutes ago by the way.

[ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ]
[Whats up]
[Heh Im texting you]

{Wildcat (Massive Shit) is Typing| . . .

I smiled at the thought of him being slightly annoyed as he tried to make a sentence or start a topic for a conversation.

[Heh Im texting you]
[Okay, be like that]
[Whatever 🙄]

{Wildcat (Massive Shit) is Typing| . . .

I hummed as he was taking a while to answer or say something. My phone buzzed and I saw it was from Delirious.

I tapped it and smiled.

[Damn you can really make him laugh]
[He can't even type]
[are you bored or smth?]

I giggled as I went back to tylers messages to see he was still typing. Finally an answer came through as I smiled even more.

{Wildcat (Massive Shit)|
[Yeah yeah, I Love You too]
[You're so stupid]

[Fuck you]
[Fuck you too btw]                                                         .

I giggled and felt warm, I felt loved.

"Hey Y/N wanna play Uno with us?" A familiar voice asked

I looked over and saw the guy I bumped into a few days ago.

"We can't promise we'll make friends through it tho!" Another guy by him teased

I smiled and shrugged.

"Fuck it, why not." I chuckled

I got up and went over to their mess of moved desks to make a wonky table. I took a seat while my phone buzzed and getting handed a small deck.

I checked my phone while the people around whispered, the ones playing seeming excited.

{Wildcat (Massive Shit)|
[Yeah yeah, I Love You too]
[You're so stupid]

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