Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Georgia! It's Georgia!" I pointed back at the house, out of breath as the dog lapped at my face.

Lump is the sweetest thing but I'm not used to dogs. I've never had any pets. I wasn't allowed as a child. I was told they made too much noise, too many messes, and I wasn't responsible enough to clean up after them. I had to make do without.

I did a lot of that.

I'm not like Aubrey. She had a wonderful mother who loved her with everything she had. I know they didn't have everything but they had each other and that was enough. Aubrey was loved and she knew it. Sometimes that's everything.

Sometimes it's all you want.

Lady joined Lump next to me and the two dogs sat on either side of me as we looked at the house. Another gunshot blasted and I jumped knowing that Georgia was alone in there with that man. Getting to my feet, I looked at the house and worried about the woman.

"She told me to run, she said to take Lady and run," I explained to the three of them.

Beckett looked at Aubrey and Leo. Without a word, the two men went running off for the house, leaving Aubrey and I standing there in the middle of the clearing with the two dogs in the darkness as the storm raged around us.

"We need shelter, come on," Aubrey headed for the green house with the dogs right behind her.

Following them, I wasn't sure this was a good idea. The frame is metal. Lightning is drawn to metal. "Isn't this dangerous?"

"No more than standing out there waiting for Lindsey to finish us off," Aubrey muttered, "stay down, and quiet. If we don't move, she might not notice us."

Wait! Lindsey is here too? I thought it was just the deputy, maybe the sheriff but I didn't think Lindsey was out here. Why would she come back out here? She had gotten away, wouldn't she want to escape from here?

"She left, she got away," I muttered to myself, trying to understand all this. "She was free. Wouldn't she want to be free, she escaped. I would have ran away."

"Mia, she's crazy. She wants revenge. Lindsey isn't sane enough to think logically. Now be quiet," calmly Aubrey pointed out the window and mimicked zipping her mouth shut.

We watched out the window and sure enough, Lindsey came walking around the side of the green house. She doesn't look like the woman I know. She looks like a mad woman. Her hair is wet but dirty, matted with mud and tangled. Her beautiful blonde hair is so dirty and messy. Nothing like the princess she paraded around town as.

Her makeup is a mess. Black circles around her eyes where her mascara had run, red lipstick is smeared on her lips. The perfect model she was isn't the same now. She looks like a wild eyed woman who has been on the street just a little too long.

Her clothes, always so pressed and perfect, are ripped and dirty. A dress she'd worn several times in town, I knew as one of her favorites, is wet and sticky to her legs. Mud is caked over the back side of her and it is torn up one side. There's blood on her hands.

"She looks like she has been in an accident," I whisper, noticing the blood. Aubrey nods seeing it as well.

"Or she's hurt someone," Aubrey makes another point I hadn't thought of.

It's possible that she has hurt someone else. She doesn't look like she is thinking clearly. As the lightning flashes again I see the look on her face and she doesn't look like herself. Something is definitely different. I just can't put my finger on it.

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