Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Welcome! Welcome!" Georgia sings as she greets the latest arrivals.

With a smile on her face you would never know that the woman was chastising her herd of boys for picking at the food in the kitchen just moments ago.

We couldn't help it really. She's starved for hours just so we'd eat the dinner Mia had ordered the caterers to deliver. It's not that the food was bad. We just prefer Georgia's leftovers.

It's hard to enjoy a catered meal when you're used to eating prime homemade pasta and garlic bread.

"Think she'll miss me if I sneak into the kitchen and get some of that bread from last night?" Quinn quietly asks as she tugs on my sleeve.

Some things don't change. Quinn's appetite while pregnant is the same as it was with Hope. The girl could eat everything in the refrigerator and still be hungry. Aubrey couldn't keep anything down for the first three months. Their response to pregnancy couldn't be more different.

"We already got caught with our hands in the cookie jar. Trust me, you don't want that wrath." I warned her.

"Are you ready?" Aubrey whispers to Quinn apparently they are in cahoots with this.

"Beck said they already got caught. Do you still want to try?" My sister and her partner in crime discuss the situation.

"Well, yeah. The catering was good but no one cooks like Georgia. Plus you're pregnant. You get a pass with this one growing in there." Aubrey rubs her hand on Quinn's not quite there belly.

"I can work with that! Do you want anything, Beck?" The offer is tempting but I already got my ass chewed, I'm not willing to risk it again.

"No thanks. Be careful, Georgia is a stickler about eating in front of guests." I warn them as they hurry off on the hopeful search for the best leftovers around.

"She should have had Paige and Brynn cater this thing." Leo joins me watching the girls disappear into the kitchen.

"She wanted Paige to enjoy the event and not work it. And Brynn is still recovering. She needs to take it easy." I remind him knowing that the food would have been much better if they had done the job.

"In all the years I've known those two, I've never seen them just relax at a party. They'll be working... and there goes Paige, cleaning up glasses. Brynn hasn't... nope, she just tossed a stack of trash too." Leo gives the play by play of the room.

"I had to force Paige to stop cleaning up after the wedding." I remind Leo of a similar situation a year ago.

"I remember. Brynn was just supposed to cut the cake and the woman was serving it for an hour." Leo laughed remembering the same night.  "What the hell is he doing here?"

Looking at the front door, I see what Leo has zoomed in on. Charlie and his wife just arrived. He's looking a bit tense. I bet he's worried about what one of us might say in front of his wife. The woman deserves to know who she married.

"Not the time and not our place." I remind Leo to let it go tonight. "Georgia said no talk about the fire or the Markham's tonight. She wants one night without a problem."

Not that I agree. I don't but it's not my house or my party. But I'll be damned sure to make sure that man does anything else to my family. He won't get another chance.

"Shit! Where's Ethan?" Blake comes up seeing our newest guests.

Understanding exactly what he's worried about, I get the three of us moving. "We better find him and fast!"

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