Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"What do you mean someone is watching me? Watching me do what? I don't have that interesting of a life?" Mia questioned, confused about this turn of events.

We waited until Charlie left before we said anything to Mia. Beckett had it right about keeping this information from him. I think he believes that Charlie is our peeping Tom. He might be right about that too.

We locked up the flower shop and helped Mia clean up the mess. She was determined to save the roses, or as many as possible, since several of them were smashed in the mess of glass and water.

"Sugar, I think it's best you come to the house with me. It's safer for you there where you aren't alone. Until we find out who did this." Georgia didn't as much as suggest that Mia would be moving as insist that she move in.

"But I live here. I have a business to run. I can't just upend my life because of a break in." As soon as she said it, Mia knew there was more to it. "The envelope. You took it. Did you open it?"

Beckett nodded and guided Mia over to a chair. "Ma's right, Mia. You shouldn't be alone."

Holding her hand out, she silently waited for Beck to hand over the letter. He looked over at Georgia and getting a nod from her, he gave Mia the letter.

"We will protect you, Mia. You won't be alone in this." Georgia assured her as Mia read the letter.

Panic filled her eyes when she looked up, wide eyed and frightened by what she saw. Georgia took a seat next to her and gave her a hug.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." But Mia rejected that thought.

"Hasn't something already happened to me? Who would do this? My privacy was violated! My shop was vandalized! Hasn't this person already gotten away with it? What else can they do to me?" She isn't seeing the full picture.

"He could hurt you. More than he has." Georgia calmly explained. "I don't want to think about what else this person is capable of doing. I want to stop him. And I will. This is vandalism and the note is a step up from what he has done."

"He's escalating," Beckett agreed.

Nodding, Georgia took his hand. "I agree. Which is why I believe you will be safer at the house with me. You can stay there as long as you like. I'll have the second master suite ready for you. Beckett, will you boys help Mia get her things together and over to the house?"

"Yeah, we can do that." He got a nod of agreement from Leo and Ethan.

"Cole, why don't you come with me to the diner. I have some things I want to adjust on the gift shop. We can go over them over lunch." She patted Mia's hand, and picked up her things.

Leaving Mia in the capable hands of her son, Georgia linked her arm through mine and we walked out. Casually strolling down the street to the diner. Georgia greeted people as we passed. She has made a point of learning everyone's name and what they do.

She gave Paige a wave of greetings when I opened the door for us. She motioned to the back booth and scooted into the seat facing the door. So she could see who came in after us I later realized. Paige was right behind us with menus and coffee as we took our seats.

"How's Mia? Aubrey told me about what happened. No one else knows yet. Believe me they will within the hour." Paige spoke softly as she poured coffee into the oversized mugs.

"She's shaken. Understandably so. I'm moving her into the house for now. I don't believe she is safe all alone." Georgia knows more than what she's saying. It's a guess on my part but I definitely see her wheels turning.

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