Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


At the sound of the glass breaking, Georgia rushed to my side and took my hand. "Stay put and don't say a word."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I heard the soft low growl from under the table as Lady belly crawled out and stood in front of us. No one was getting past her.

"Lady stay," Georgia ordered the dog. The well mannered dog sat down on command but continued to growl at the danger coming from the other room. "You have to love her just for her growl alone."

As long as she is protecting me I'm more than happy to agree with her. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end, that's for sure. I believe this dog would tear someone apart for Georgia if she needed to. And unfortunately she just might if the person who just broke in is who I think it is.

Georgia kept her gun aimed at the doorway and waited as we heard the door open and close quietly. The sound of heavy boots landing on the wood floor seemed louder in darkness than usual.

The thunder boomed again overhead as the lightning flashed and a silhouette of a man was lit up in the front room. Lady barked a low and warning sound at the intruder then continued to growl a menacing sound that should scare off anyone who had any sense in their head.

"You got yourself a protective guard dog, Mrs. Bradford. As a lawman I'd tell you that is a very smart move," the man said as he stepped into the shadows.

"And as an intruder into my boys home? Are you thinking it's as smart of a move, Officer Williams?" Georgia asked, her gun still aimed at the policeman.

Officer Kevin Williams, the good Sheriff's right hand. He has been on hand for every investigation from the beginning. He helped collect evidence from the fire, he was at the restaurant where they found Brynn and the cabin where Hope was taken. Yet no one thought to even consider him a threat.

He was young and impressionable and had a horrible crush on Lindsey. Ethan was right about that. Yet, not one of them thought he would be the one who would stoop to this level of danger. Including me. Not until I saw him picking up Lindsey tonight.

"You don't seem surprised to see me here, Mrs. Bradford. Why is that?" Kevin asked as he stepped into the dim light of the moon.

"Because I saw you pick up Lindsey tonight," I admit that probably wasn't the smartest thing to say but it isn't like he didn't already know the answer.

"Mia, Mia, Mia. You aren't the quiet little mouse that I thought you were. What am I going to do about you?" He stepped into the kitchen and looked at the gun Georgia had aimed right at his heart. "You're going to want to put that away."

"I don't think so, young man." Georgia only cocks the gun and steadies herself, ready to fire when needed. "My gun stays right where it is. I don't trust you anymore than I trust Lindsey Markham. If you think I'm going to just put this away because you wear a badge you are mistaken, boy. You have already proven yourself not on our side."

"You don't trust the Sheriff?" He asks, honestly surprised by that.

"I don't trust anyone outside my family," Georgia replies, her chin lifts slightly. "I'm a Bradford, we're finicky about that kind of thing."

I almost laugh out loud when she says that. Her family seems to include a long list of people who have absolutely no relation to her in any way. Georgia is territorial though and she does protect those she cares about, I will give her that.

"And little Mia here? Is she included in that list of people you don't trust?" Kevin asks, smirking at us as if he's enjoying this moment.

"Mia works for me. She's mine too. So therefore included in my list of people who I trust. Now I suggest you sit down right there while Mia takes the zip ties there on the counter and ties you up nice and tight so we have no problems with you." Georgia motions to me to take the plastic tube of zip ties and start tying Kevin to the chair.

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