Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


When the bright green sports car drove up the drive, I was relieved. The last thing I wanted to see was a sheriff's car. That wouldn't be a good thing at all, especially after what I saw. I doubt deputy dimwit would be thrilled to know that I not only made it out of the preserves in one piece but saw Lindsey in a lover's embrace.

Boy, am I in trouble.

Georgia always seems to know when she's needed. I've never been so glad to see someone in my life. I'm not sure how she drove that little car through this downpour to get here but I'm happy to see her.

As she climbed out of the car, I had to laugh at her outfit. The woman has a style all her own. From the jet black hair that she has rolled up in huge rollers on the top of her head to the hot pink shirt and purple pants that match the sneakers on her feet. Georgia certainly stands out from the crowd.

As she gets out of the car I notice she's not alone as she slaps her hand on her thigh, a beautiful red Shepherd jumped out of the cars and right into a puddle. Following her owner, the two run through the heavy rain drops, stopping on the deck and to shake the rain off her coat as I open the front door, the alarm blaring from behind me.

"I didn't know the code!" I screamed over the loud noise that has now given me a terrible headache.

"Don't you worry, sugar. I've got it." Georgia, bless her, pats my shoulder as she hurries past me and finally turns off the alarm and everything goes silent.

The dog follows Georgia in and sits, waiting patiently in the hallway as Georgia shuts off the alarm and I close and bolt the door tight. Even with company here I'm afraid that we aren't safe just yet.

"Thank god! I think my ears are bleeding," holding my head, I can't seem to see straight after ten minutes of that thing going off.

Georgia goes to her dog and gives the beautiful long red haired beast praise, "that's a good girl. This is Lady, she is my new companion. Lady, come meet Mia."

Turning around to bring the dog to me, Georgia takes a long look at me, "Good Lord! What in the devil happened to you? Child, you look like you were rolling around in the mud for days!"

"I fell down a hill and I had to crawl in the rain and mud to hide from Lindsey," I explained, lifting my hands helplessly as I looked down at myself and shrugged.

I began to shiver and shake when I realized I was safe and I had someone here I could trust. Georgia noticed immediately and came to me. She didn't hesitate and pulled me into her arms and held me. The warmth and care she gave me helped settle my nerves a bit but I had no control over the shakes.

"It's okay, sugar. You're okay now," Georgia quietly calmed me. "You come on in here now and sit down."

I don't dare sit on anything. I'm filthy and soaking wet. I don't want to get anything Aubrey's nice new things dirty. Shaking my head I refuse to sit but Georgia continues on to the back of the house to the kitchen.

It's all so pretty in here. Aubrey has done a great job of setting up her new home. I know they were so excited about moving in finally after rebuilding the house. And with all the upgraded security I should have known that getting in with just a key wouldn't be that easy.

"I can't sit. I'm filthy." Refusing her request, Georgia takes another look at me. And I guess agrees with me that I shouldn't sit on anything like this.

"You're about the same size as Aubrey. I'll be right back. Lady, go introduce yourself," she pointed to me and the dog came over and held up her paw to me. Not knowing what else to do, I took her paw and shook it.

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