Chapter 40: Troubleshoot

Start from the beginning

With a sense of trepidation, Celestia descended the stairs and knocked softly on Snape's office door. To her surprise, the door swung open to reveal not only Severus Snape, but also her mother, Narcissa Malfoy, standing inside.

"Celestia," Snape greeted her with a nod, his expression unreadable as always.

"Good morning, Professor" she said, her brow furrowed in confusion as she turned to her mother, her eyes wide with surprise. "Mother? What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Narcissa's gaze softened as she reached out to clasp Celestia's hands in hers. "Darling, there's been a family emergency," she explained, her voice heavy with emotion. "A dear family friend is gravely ill, and we must leave at once to be by her side."

Celestia's heart sank at her mother's words, her mind racing with worry and uncertainty. "But Mother, who is it? Is everything alright? And why isn't Draco here yet?" she asked, her voice trembling with concern.

Narcissa shook her head, "I'm afraid it's quite serious, my dear," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "We must hurry if we are to make it in time. It's Seraphina"

With a heavy heart, Celestia nodded, she felt like she had swallowed a stone whole, her mind whirling with questions and fears. The Malfoys never talked about Seraphina Malfoy and Celestia hated the woman with passion; Draco had no idea about the woman's existence.

Seraphina Malfoy is the illegitimate daughter of Abraxas Malfoy, making her Celestia's and Draco's aunt, who had conceived a child out of wedlock with a Muggle, causing her fiancé Rabastan Lestrange to break off the engagement.

In Celestia's opinion, that woman is foul and disgusting, staining the Malfoys with her very existence.

Abraxas Malfoy had told Celestia about Seraphina on his deathbed, causing Lucius to go wild with anger, leading him to not attend the funeral afterward.

Celestia had been told afterwards that Seraphina's condition is worse than a house-elf's. She stays locked up in the west tower of Blanchard Manor. Although Celestia has never met her, she has heard of the foul things the woman did with a Muggle. The woman had attacked Mrs. Blanchard on several occasions, but the Malfoys couldn't be more thankful that they hadn't reported her to the Ministry.

"Why should I go?" Celestia frowned. She had no desire to see that woman.

Narcissa's lips thinned. "Father told you about her. It's only right," she said shortly, her expression warning Celestia not to question further.

The Malfoy women left hurriedly. Celestia wasn't sure, but it felt like Narcissa was happy with the sudden news. By the time they reached the Ministry of Magic, Lucius Malfoy was already present there. Celestia could see the happiness in Narcissa's eyes as they took the Portkey provided by the employee in the Department of Magical Transportation.

For all the time Celestia and Draco spent in France, they had never been to Blanchard Manor. The place looked haunted, and by the time the Malfoys entered the building, Celestia understood why the Blanchard family kept Seraphina all these years—they needed money.

Mrs. Blanchard was a short and lanky witch, her stature barely reaching four and a half feet tall. Her frame was wiry and lean, with limbs that seemed too long for her body, giving her a slightly ungainly appearance. Her once-vibrant red hair was now dull and wiry, with strands of gray peppered throughout, and pulled back into a messy bun that showed signs of neglect.

"Amelia," Narcissa and Lucius said as Mrs. Blanchard reached them. Amelia smiled broadly, showing her missing tooth.

"You heard of the news... ah... and this must be... Celest," said Amelia, ignoring the Malfoy couple. "She doesn't look like her mother at all. Looks must be from her father's side."

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