At least the ground was padded this time.

They were currently in one of the training obstacle courses, which in other words were basically rooms where trained auror's got to throw the trainees around like they were bags of rice.

In todays training session, the trainees were blindfolded and supposed to defend themselves from attackers with nothing more than four senses and intuition.

By the sounds of the many thuds and groans around her, Aveline wasn't the only one being thrown around like a rag doll.

If Aveline was any less prideful, she would've stayed laying on the mat until she caught her breathe. The girl however was as stubborn as they come, so with aching and shaky limbs she stood up.

She was so done being pushed around today.

She forced herself to breathe in and out slowly, the way she imagined a tree might. With each intake of air her body calmed down.

She could sense it before the touch even came. A prinkly feeling down her spine that told her danger was soon to touch.

The girl reacted with quickness as if she was tree that suddenly morphed into a snake. Her body ripped around, her elbow connected with someone's chest as she heard the person let out a groan.

Her knee was next, finding the attackers stomach before they hunched over and her foot found their face. An arm around the neck later, the person was on the floor.

Aveline wasn't even sure where these instincts were coming from, but as she get another presence behind her, it took less then ten seconds to have them on the floor, laid out in pain.

It came like a tornado after that— a person to her, a person to her right— and still she stayed grounded, attacking with a mixture of magic spewing out of her hands and physical force.

Truthfully, she wasn't even aware she was channeling her magic. The girl solely focused on the feeling of motion swirling through her body like an unbounded body of water— endlessly flowing through her fingertips like she was mother earth.

She was not even aware of the small crowd of people gathering around her, or that her feet had left the ground as her body raised itself to the sky ever so sligtly. No one did anything but watch, as any of the aurors that dared go near here were laying on the ground in front of her, cluthing their heads in pain.

When she finally did come out of her haze her feet hit the ground with a thud— the girl stumbling back as she clutched her stomach. Her eyes quickly scanned the scene infront of her. She opened her mouth to explain herself but coudn't string together a singular syllable.

"Take a 15 minute break" Moody barked at the gathered ground. "LEAVE."

The crowd dispersed like scared cats, leaving only Madeye and Aveline. The girl tried to follow her peers, thinking she could sneak out without him nog noticing only for her to bark her name like she was a reckless toddler wandering out into traffic.

There was no getting out of it, so she merely stood there will his freaky eye studied her, moving over her face as if he was trying to disect her.

Finally, her marched over to her, grabbing her by the arm harshly and dragging her out of the room so fast she was certain he was trying to rip her arm out her socket.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now