Chapter Sixty-six: "Meese" Isn't The Plural of Muse.

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Mom sighed and took it from me, "Talk to Dr. Malachi about it in your next session okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." I replied but nothing could dampen my spirits today, Angelo was finally coming back! We'd been texting ever since the day before and it was so, so relieving to be in touch with him again.

Life looked so much more beautiful all of a sudden, the skies were clear and blue, snow was starting to look magical especially at dawn, my friends and I hung out everyday, my nightmares were less frequent, I'd gotten back on my feet academically, my skin which had been hidden under my cast for so long was finally normal, you know, the whole deal.

"Hey, look." Susan whispered to me with a knowing smile before pointing her chin at the space between the two front seats where Mom's hand was tucked in Dad's free one.

I exchanged secret giggles with Annie and Susan who were in the back seat with me. I'd actually caught them exchanging a kiss yesterday on the porch when they thought I wasn't close by. I guessed it was only a matter of time till Mom moved back in with us completely.

We arrived at the airport just as I received Angelo's message saying his plane had landed and that we'd meet up outside.
So I told him where we were and decided to wait by the car.

"You know you're pacing right?" Annie asked, causing me to look over my shoulder at her and giggle nervously.

"I don't know, he's just taking a while." I spun the ring on my thumb again, it was almost an hour now. "I know he already landed, but what if-?"

Susan cut me off, "what if what? A giant hand reached from the snowy heavens and plucked him away?" She laughed and I rolled my eyes, "Relax, worst case scenario, there was a long queue for the bathroom and he really had to go."

"Yeah I guess you're ri-" I cut off when the late morning sun suddenly peeked through the clouds, I raised my hand to shield my eyes but still noticed the figure walking across the shimmering snow.

"Ah, there you go." Annie nudged me.

"Hey guys over here!" Susan called, waving her hand like crazy.

For a moment I could only stand there, staring as Angelo approached, feeling my heart pound in my throat. Oh God it was happening. I'd been anticipating this but now I didn't know what to do! Wait? Run?

My mind may have been in turmoil but my body started to make its own decisions.
My feet carried me forward, one step after the other, slowly at first until I was running and grinning, then laughing!

His eyes widened when I bound over to him and he immediately dropped everything he was holding to the ground just in time for him to open his arms.

With an excited squeal, I crashed into him, causing us to slip and fall into the snow. I landed right on top of him, making him wheeze a little, chuckling and definitely not bothering to let go.

And to think I nursed the feeling of never seeing him again, not in this way. To think I courted the thought of losing him just so I wasn't disappointed if he decided he no longer wanted to be mine.

"You came back!" I whispered, hugging him tight just as he did me, his hands cradled my head, squeezed my middle, real and sure and firm.

"Of course I did. Of course I did, Violet." His words rushed out and I raised my head to look at him, unable to keep the smile off my face.

His eyes were black rimmed silver in the golden sunlight and the same sunlight added a glow to his skin, his smile, the waves that flowed out of his hat. He was here, really truly here, and I loved him so, so much that I could barely breathe, I could scream it to the world!

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