Chapter Fifty-Seven: Favorite Things.

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Chapter Fifty-Seven: Favorite Things.

Angelo's POV

Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.

For the first time in a while I wholeheartedly agreed with my subconscious. I took no care to even suppress the thoughts.

Every other second her face flashed before my eyes, broken, red, sad, and my fists clenched on my lap, my fury renewed all over again.

The car I was in drove into a wood path before coming to a stop.

"Looks like they got him." The driver said as I opened the door to step onto the moist earth.

I didn't doubt that one bit. I'd sent some people out to find that fool the moment I received Annie's call. They were... old acquaintances that I'd made when I secretly visited town to find the missing evidence of my parent's true death. I knew I'd have need for them again.

"Looks like your girl's tough." The first man said as I walked towards them, he wasn't smiling. Everyone here was pretty pissed. At his statement, I shifted my eyes to the figure on the floor, sitting up against a tree, mouth taped and bound by the wrists and ankles.

There was dried blood coloring his face and a swelling on his jaw, his red puffy eyes watched me, as wide open as possible.
This was definitely going to leave a scar. Even despite the anger bubbling in my soul, I felt my chest swirl with a little pride.

"He was this roughed up when we caught him on the hospital road and I'm not even joking." Another guy said, jumping down from a tree branch to join us, a baseball bat in his hand. He was smirking at least. "Is your girlfriend single?"

"Does this look like the time, man?" The first guy asked before turning to me and gesturing to Hale. "He's all yours, boss."

Hale, the idiot, tried to move back when I leaned down to look him in the face.
"Scream and I'll knock you out, then I'll wake you back up again. If you scream then, I'll repeat the process till you get it through your thick scull. Nod if you understand."

The first guy came over to grab his head and nod for him. When I ripped the tape off, Hale's mouth was trembling. He'd done that too when I gave him the first warning.

Irritating. My subconscious scowled.

"Do you have a memory problem?" I asked him, stretching my hand out towards Tree guy for something. "Or do you just think you're clever? I told you not to even look at my girl." The baseball bat got put in my hand and I looked at it for a second.

I wanted a gun.

Hale started to shift in his bonds, squirming on the spot. "I swear I didn't mean to-"

Didn't mean to? I took a deep breath

"You thought," I continued quietly, tapping his head with the bat so that it released a hollow sound. "You thought that if you got her to break up with me, you'd be able to do anything you want? You thought her not being my girlfriend would stop me from protecting her?"

"No." He shook his head frantically and I immediately saw through that lie. "No I didn't and I promise I'll get off your backs if you let me go please! We're cousins, and-"

"You will." I assured him, tightening my grip on the handle of the bat as I lifted it. "Because I'll be giving you a reminder to keep with you forever. You won't be able to do anything to harm Violet again."

He started to scream, "No! No wait!"

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!!

I swung the bat.

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