Chapter Fifty: Headfirst Into An Endless Pit.

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A//N: Happy fiftieth chapter!!!
I still remember sitting across my bench in front of my old house while listening to Treat You Better instead of doing my chores and suddenly seeing the song in a new light, and then deciding to write a short story on it to while away time...

That short story is now twenty-five chapters longer and there's even more to come 🎊🦋✨🥳🥳 yayyyy!
I'm going to reward myself for all my hard work by putting SO! MUCH! FLUFF! In this chapter, so if you're a fluff lover like me, dear reader, you should get cosy.

If you're reading this, that means you didn't get bored of my story halfway and leave forever and for that, I say thank you.

Chapter Fifty: Headfirst Into An Endless Pit.

"Crazy?" I asked, shifting so I was basically kneeling in the middle of the bed. "This is mind-blowing!"

"I guess you could say that..." He said, raising himself up on both elbows to look at me.

"Not in a million years would I have guessed this," I thought aloud, "but somehow it makes perfect sense! Gosh, I have no idea how you're so calm I'm actually freaking out, look, my hands are shaking, you're literally turned into a freaking CEO overnight?! Congratulations!"
I practically strangled him into a hug when I flung myself at him but he didn't seem to mind as he rubbed my back.

"I'm really, really happy for you!" I said, feeling a little teary eyed as I sat back on my knees.

He tilted his head to the side, a little pleased smile showing on his lips. "Thanks for confirming that, it was really hard to tell." Angelo said.

I just rolled my eyes with a small laugh, "You should be out having a great time and celebrating your success or something, what are you doing here?" I asked, gesturing around my little room.

"Having a great time." He replied, not missing a beat. "You probably can't tell but I really like it here. With you."

I smiled at him, my hand moving to brush some hair behind my ear. "I'm flattered." I said, and moved closer to reach the light switch right behind him.

The simple action seemed to surprise him and he fell back onto the pillow with his eyes widened a fraction.

"Sorry!" I giggled and flicked the main lights off, just after I caught the smirk on his face.

For minutes, we stared at the purple light display on the ceiling from my lamps and they- the lights -changed shapes every so often.
Angelo and I stayed side by side, the back of his hand resting idly on my tummy while I toyed with his fingers.

"Do you sleep with your eyes open?" I whispered into the quiet and I heard him chuckle softly.

"I don't think I do."

"Oh. I thought you'd be asleep by now."

"I'm not tired."

"Whatever you say." I snorted and let out a little squeak when he pinched my thigh.

I stretched my legs out only to fold them back up again, my loose three-quarter shorts slipping down my thighs a bit.
"How did you feel when you found the will?" I asked Angelo.

"The will..." He seemed to think about it for a while. "Like I was dreaming, I think. I'd had my doubts that I was with the right set of documents or that I didn't copy everything, or something, but for once, it wasn't as I feared. It still doesn't seem real, like I'm going to wake up any minute. But a part of me knows the truth."

"Yeah, you're going into something wonderful and at your age too." I said, smiling and turned my face to look at him. "How do you feel about that?"

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