Naruto enters the tent with Shikamaru behind him. "Welcome, I hoped we meet under better circumstances."

"These are better circumstances." Chōjūrō reaffirms. "We have the Academy cornered. All their supporters are under arrest."

"Yeah, like we can arrest a whole nation." Darui bites back. "We don't have a single clue what to do with them."

"We can divide them and build new prisons just for them." Kurotsuchi confidently said.

"It won't work. What you're asking is a riot waiting to happen." Gaara retorts.

"I know, but it's better than the alternative of letting them go."

"She has a point." Darui agrees.

Naruto interjects. "I know this is a point of contention, but we have more pressing matters at hand."

"These so-called gods?" Gaara questions, sitting straight and facing Naruto. "You fought here. Tell us, are they worthy of the title?"

Naruto looks down with a worried look. "I don't know. But they displayed some frightening abilities while fighting."

Shikamaru steps forward with documents on hand. "Both have armies. One side can terraform the surrounding area and control the mind. While the other can build at breakneck speed, command massive automatons, and, according to Kurama, manipulate time."

"Damn." Darui mutters.

"So we got our hands full?" Chōjūrō sighs.

"Looks like it," Kurotsuchi said, defeated. She focuses on another topic. "Your wife. How is she doing?"

Naruto groans, rubbing his eyes. "She hasn't woken up. Sakura says she only has a fever. I'm still waiting."

"Speak the truth, Hokage. Was it of her own volition or do you think it was the gods?"

"To be honest, I don't know. We've just been... distant since Boruto died. I tried to be there but I guess I was too late."

They stay silent after that. Gaara decides to get the group to refocus. "Can we get back to the topic at hand?"

"Right. Any thoughts on why a Horsemen would target Hinata." Darui questions.

Shikamaru nods. "I believe we have a theory on this."

"Then please, explain." Kurotsuchi politely asks.

"The first Horseman we encountered named Uchu came into the village wanting Naruto to prove his ideals. With yesterday's allegations, we can assume Uchu somehow had a hand in creating the Academy."

"To be clear, we believe he set things in motion. Not actually controlling things from the shadows." Naruto corrects.

"The other Horsemen, Proxima, caught wind of his plans and decided to interfere. While Uchu's plans succeed Proxima looked for someone close to the situation."

"Hinata was the perfect target." Chōjūrō points out.

Shikamaru continues. "Correct. With her, she'll be close to the Uchu's target and collect information. She waited until she found the perfect opportunity."

Gaara opens his eyes after pondering for a short moment. "With that logic, then it's too late. Uchu already got what he wanted. Creating the Academy and fracturing public relations."

"He wants to test us. See if there really is peace. This man seems to be a skeptic to the extreme." Darui deduces.

Naruto speaks up. "Then we'll prove him wrong. We'll care for the displaced villagers and provide more than the Academy can ever do. No more lives lost."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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