Part 1

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* Kindly read the description first *

Hello everyone this my first story enjoy it :)

"Love is found everywhere "

Even in darkness ? Everyone finds their love in light but what about dark ? Ever tried to find your love in dark ? Why not ? Scared of it ? Scared of entering the world of darkness ? People say only spirits live in the dark . Good or bad both .Some say don't go late night when it's dark . A spirt might get obsessed with you and possess you . Human fails to understand that a spirit being obsessed  with someone and possessing someone are two different things . Spirit might possess someone if they had done something evil to the body in past or other . But the word ' obsessed, may have different meanings in term of human language but in the language of spirit it simply means ' love ' the love which they didn't find as human in life but finding as a form of spirit in afterlife.

24 year old psychiatrist , unmarried girl named Victoria Thompson always has a question " if everyone hates darkness why was it  created ?


Victoria : Dear diary,  today I met another guy for my marriage but guess what I rejected him again . I don't know why i keep rejecting any guy who comes for Marriage. Its not like they are not perfect... they are but .. still not.  During my school and college days I never had a crush on anyone or was in relationship either so it's not like I have someone in my life . Every time I meet someone my heart says " he's not the one " and I reject him.   I wish if I knew the real reason .
Today my parents finally said if i don't find someone to marry by end of this month whoever they choose next I have  to accept him . Now should I focus on my career or  this lovey dovey thing ?
I mean I'm only 24 even If I'm 30 I will still get proposals right? Anyway end of the day with same question ' if everyone hates darkness why was created?'

With that she closes the diary and keeps it aside,leaning on the chair and staring  at the ceiling.

Victoria: "How am I supposed to find a guy ? Dating app? Nah ! I can't trust people nowadays.  Should I leave it to my parents only I mean their choices were not bad but .. arrange marriage..AGRHH never knew marriage can cause this much stress . Well I'm sure God had written someone for me so I'll end up with him only despite the consequences. "

She was busy in her thoughts when her phone rang and showed the ID - Dr. Derrick.  She picked it up .


Victoria: " hello"

Dr. Derrick: "hello Dr Victoria where are you ?"

Victoria:"at home "

Dr. Derrick:" do you know who's shift is it today?

Victoria: " yeah dr. Jason "

Dr. Derrick " oh ok thank you. "

. Victoria : "  so you called me for this ?"

Dr. Derrick: " actually no I have to talk to you about something,  come to the hospital quikly it's urgent "

Victoria:" why what happened?"

Dr. Derrick:" just come "

Victoria:" alright I'm comi-

Dr. Derrick:" bye then "

He said as he hanged up the call .

Victoria:"goshhh! Why is he like that . I just hope nothing serious happened.  Specially Anthony ( her patient) I hope he didn't cause any trouble. "

She quickly grab her bag and the car keys and went downstairs

Mr. Thompson:" where are you going ?"

Victoria:" Hospital "

Mr. Thompson :"but you don't go  today ?"

Victoria:"I know but dr. Derrick called he said its something urgent I need to go "

Mrs. Thompson :"take care , be safe "

Victoria:" yeah yeah whatever !"

She left the house and drove to the hospital
Soon she reached there .


I reached at the hospital.  I was looking here and there , everything seem to okay only , I was busy in my thoughts when someone again disturbed me . It as dr. Derrick calling my name . I went to him with a smile on face .

"Hi , you wanted to see me dr. Derrick"

Dr. Derrick:" hmm yeah can we talk in the cafeteria or somewhere else , I mean there are lot of patients and ...

" yeah sure but before that I would like to see Anthony "

Dr. Derrick:" as you wish "

Then we both started going to his room . Slowly I opened the door just to see him writing or something.  Unknowingly a smile crept on my face because Anthony who was a psycho  killer has changed into a completely different person now you really can't tell he is the same person.

" hey how is it going buddy?"

Anthony:"Dr Victoria? "

" I know you're surprised to see me well dr. Derrick called me to about something , so I thought why not to give you a visit ? By the way what are you writing?"

Anthony:" no..nothing

" what nothing I can see this paper what is this ?"

Anthony :" ahh fine I was a writing a poem "

" since when buddy ? Huh?" ( I smiled this man really changed )

End of Victoria's p.o.v

Dr. Derrick cleared his throat to gain their attention

" well dr . Victoria as you know from tomorrow I'm on leave for some time because I will be soon engaged.  So I have a very busy schedule today , if you're done then kindly come outside "

He said as he went outside

Victoria :" well buddy see you tomorrow then "

She also left and closed the door

They both started walking towards the cafeteria

Dr. Derrick:"you really changed him didn't you,?"

Victoria:"who ? Anthony? I know right  ? I can't tell you how much proud I feel to do something other failed at"

Well continue to talk they reached the cafeteria and sat down .

Victoria:" so what did you wanted to talk about ?

Dr. Derrick:" about a case "

Victoria:" go ahead "

To be continued.............

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