Chapter 3: The first time

Start from the beginning

"I like the eating part but the preparing is annoying. The only thing I do cook is pasta with a store-bought sauce." She tells me and I wince in fake harm.

"You got such a lovely, spacious kitchen and yet, you don't use it?" I ask.

"I use it to eat, but not to cook." She points out. I sigh but can't help but to smile when she chuckles at my antiques.

"So, you like cooking. What else?" She scootches minimal closer, her eyes bright and warm. Talking to her feels so easy. It just comes so naturally that I don't really have to think about it a lot.

"I play the guitar." I answer. Her eyes widen and it almost looks like her pupils dilate too.

"For how long?"

"About ten years now. I started as a teenager and stuck with it." I reply. She bites her lip and trails her finger over my hand. It's an innocent gesture but it feels like so much more.

"What I'm hearing is that these fingers are very quick and talented then." She says in a low, suggestive voice that brings back the pulsating between my legs that I forgot about since we entered the living room. Now that she is mentioning it and looking at me like that again, the heat returns and with it the throbbing and the need.

"Yes, they are. Care to go on a test ride?" I grin, feeling bold. Maybe it's the arousal in my body or the fact that Wanda is reacting with a smirk and a bite of her lip.

"Don't mind if I do." She agrees. Before I can do anything, she slides her fingers between mine though and shifts her weight. I squeal a little when she pushes me to lay on my back, pining my hands beside my head with her own.

"God, I wanted to have you in this position for so long now." She husks and lowers her face closer to mine. Shivers run down my body and the throbbing gets stronger.

"Don't you think, you should kiss me first?" I ask cheekily. Wanda looks down at me and licks her lips. It looks so hot that I could moan just seeing it. Her eyes seem to darken even more and a smirk pulls at her lips.

"You're a sassy one, aren't you?" She asks back. The tone of her voice suggests that she doesn't mind though and from the expression on her face, I would almost guess she likes a little challenge.

"And you're fast forward." I state, grinning up at her. Wanda huffs out a laugh and nods.

Her eyes travel over my face and stop at my lips. Her weight on my hips shifts a little but she stays on top of me, which I will not fight. She looks hot on top of me with the way a few of her strains fall around her face.

"Tell me, sweetheart, do I have your consent?" She asks, her voice suddenly has a slight rasp to it, making it hard to show any kind of resistant. That is if I wanted to resist, which I don't. I wouldn't mind if she ruined me tonight. The pet name rolls off her tongue easily and has my heart beating faster for a whole different reason.

"You definitely do." I assure, trying to fight her hands to place mine on her thighs but she doesn't let me. Instead, she grins wickedly and gives them a squeeze. The gentle show of dominance sends a desiring fire through my body, igniting every part that wasn't already burning for her touch so far.

"Great, and you got mine." She tells me before leaning down.

I pucker my lips, expecting her to kiss me but she doesn't. Instead, she kisses along my jaw and to my ear. It would tickle if it wasn't so hot and my skin wasn't screaming for more contact.
Her breath is warm against my skin and her lips soft. When she nibbles at my earlobe, I gasp and my hips buck up into hers, which doesn't bother her at all.

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