Chapter 2: Plot twist

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"Were you planning on doing that before we made eye contact?" I ask, now intrigued to learn more about her intentions.
She seems to be attracted to me as well and definitely flirting but I wouldn't have guessed she had an eye on me before I noticed her.

"Would it be weird if I said yes?" She asks and for a moment, insecurity shines through again. But it's gone as quickly as it came. "It's been a long time since I first flirted with someone. I might be a bit out of practice."
Her confession surprises me because she seemed to know perfectly how to flirt with me.

"If this is you being out of practice, then I'm interested in knowing what you are with some training." I grin and watch a smirk dance around her lips.

"Making the first move is always the hardest but after that, everything else will fall into place." She says, which means everything and nothing at the same time.

I do agree though. Making the first move is always the hardest, after that it's easier. If a conversation flows, it works and if it stops and gets awkward, it doesn't.

"The first move can be crucial for that part. I'd never be able to have a proper conversation with someone who came to me with a cheap pick-up line." I agree. Wanda's eyebrows quirk up in interest.

"Are there not cheap pick-up lies?" She asks. I think about it and nod slowly.

"Well, they are all kind of cheap or cheesy but there are definitely some that would catch my interest more than others." Wanda motions for me to go on and I do so.

"The day you were born it must have been rainy because the sky cried over losing its greatest star."

Wanda starts to smile even brighter than before and her hand slides higher on my thigh. I'm not even sure if it's a conscious action or if it just happens.

"I like that one. It is definitely cheesy but also cute." She decides.

"Well, it's true. Everyone would be sad about losing you." I tell her and watch her eyes soften even more. She truly seems affected by my compliment, which I like. I wouldn't mind telling her how gorgeous she is every day.

"You're a charmer." She says, her voice a little more silent and slightly shy. It's cute and totally different to the confident woman earlier.
We all have some weak spots that make us soft and shy and compliments seem to be hers.

"I'm just telling the truth." I assure her, which makes her squeeze my thigh again. It fires up the flame of desire inside me but I will not jump on her in the backseat of an uber.

"Do you know any pick-up lines?" I ask. She hums while thinking about it.

"I might not be going to town later, but hopefully I'll go down on you."

My cheeks flush again, this time for a whole other reason. Wanda snorts out a laugh at her own joke and shakes her head.

"Sorry, that is really bad, I know." She says. She isn't wrong about that. If someone came up to me at a bar with that line, I would definitely tell them off. But now that I'm sitting in a car with Wanda, her hand on my thigh and that sweet laugh of hers beside me, I don't feel repulsed by it.

More like the opposite, it fuels the heat inside me and I have to cross my legs to stop myself from squirming. Wanda notices it but doesn't comment.
Her pick-up line made a lot of images appear in my mind, none of them innocent as all of them involve me being naked and her face pressed into me.
I swallow and bite my lip. The only reply I have to this is another stupid line but it comes out before I can stop it.

"We should be start printing missing-person posters, because I'll have you tied up for a looong time."

Wanda's lips pull into a smirk again while something like mischief lights up in her eyes. That's definitely not the reaction I expected from her.

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