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With their joint efforts, Ayano and Eijiro took down the other point-numbered machines one after the other. Hooking their arms together, Ayano teleported them upward before spinning them and launching Eijiro in the direction of the robot. It crushed under his hardened body, and the friends gave each other ecstatic grins from the plan they described almost five years ago.


Ayano laughed in embarrassment while Eijiro chuckled.

It was like two melodies that intertwined and harmonized. With their quirks, they both had weaknesses and strengths. For Ayano, she had increased stamina, agility, and reflexes. However, because her other quirk is more centralized towards someone's conscience or spirit, she doesn't have any strong effect against their current enemies without having to tire herself out.

Eijiro on the other hand had his quirk more centralized in his strength and ability to protect. Using his hardening quirk, he can quickly deal with whatever mechanoid that came their way. Playing off each other's weaknesses, Ayano and Eijiro strengthened each other, allowing them to effectively make do with the enemies.

They were ahead of most of the competitors, but were still behind some of the students in their class. Grabbing Eijiro, she teleported them to avoid the robot this time, putting them in front of the steel guy who yelled in anger.

"Remember, don't," Eijiro panted, "tire yourself out too much."

"Are you kidding?" A breathy laugh escaped Ayano, and she briefly glanced in his direction with a smirk before turning back front, "sounds like you're the one who's tired."

The boy next to her rolled his eyes. When they arrived at the next obstacle, they both skidded to a stop, surprise written on their faces as they stared at what was before them.

"For those of you who thought that the 1st obstacle was easy, let's see how you feel about the second one!"

"The students are going to have to be careful of the fall. One misstep, and you're done for! Looks like you're going to have to get creative~"

Another voice joined in after Present Mic, and from a distance, you could hear the crowd go wild.

The second part of the race had spaced out lands of rock that were connected with a single strip of rope. There was no other support underneath. The only thing that was there was a deep cavern of black that didn't seem to ever end. Ayano narrowed her eyes at the problem.

People can seriously die from this. Why the hell did the school think this was a good idea?

Todoroki was a few ways away already, as he didn't stop to look at the hurdle. Following him was Bakugo flying through the air with his quirk exploding behind him. Clicking her tongue, Ayano looked at Eijiro and lightly jabbed him on the side.

"Come on, we can't hesitate," she told him. He stared at her for a moment before nodding. They made their way across the rope to the second land part. Occasionally, Ayano would teleport both of them to get across quicker, but she could only do it once or twice to conserve her energy. A lot of the students slowly began to catch up to the two, and by the time they made it across the halfway mark, Present Mic made an introduction to the third obstacle.

Ayano clenched her fists.

Damnit, Todoroki's already there.

With that in mind, Eijiro and her quickened their pace and eventually caught up to the third obstacle. Just as they were about to step onto the ground, someone quickly zoomed passed them, and explosions rattled the air. Ayano quickly shielded her eyes.

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