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Ayano twitched under the gaze of her best friend as they walked to school. It's been two days since the U.S.J. incident, and after the school had closed down the day before, the students were allowed back the second day. Thankfully, Recovery Girl healed up the remaining injuries Ayano had yesterday morning, but the girl was told to take it easy, even with doing mundane tasks.

After she was released, Yagi took her home. Izuku already knew since he was there with her, but he still spammed texts the next morning, and Ayano let him know he could come over if he was that worried. The second person that she texted was Eijiro. He instantly called her, and she told him not to worry and that she was fine.

A few minutes had passed by before the doorbell rang. She almost laughed when she realized the two boys had the same idea, and were standing in front of her apartment with bags of food in hand.

Once she warned them about the rules the nurse had set for her, they all spent the day watching movies and anime. Nothing strenuous. Every so often, Yagi would come over to check on her. Imagine Izuku's surprise when he learned that both him and Ayano were actually next-door neighbors.

It made her happy that she got to spend her day with her two favorite people instead of having to stay home alone.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Eijiro asked.

The girl blinked out of her small daze. Turning her head, she gave him a sheepish smile as she ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry."

"Oh come on!" he whined, swatting away her hand, "Why'd you do that? So unmanly. Do you realize how long it takes to gel my hair like this?"

Using his hands, Eijiro began tufting up the strands as they began to droop. A little pout appeared on his mouth as one of them didn't seem to be doing what he wanted. Ayano lightly laughed. Moving her bag in front of her, she unzipped it and grabbed a small bottle from inside. She popped the lid open and put some of the gel on her hand before she put it back. Pushing away his hands, she applied the gel to the two strands that fell down on the sides of his face.

They spiked into little horns as they went up, and Eijiro rose an eyebrow at her as she put the gel away.

"Why...do you keep that with you?"

Ayano grinned. "Emergency hair gel for when you run out of yours."

The red-haired boy's eyes widened, then he sputtered out a small thank you, a tint of pink flushing on his cheeks.

After a few more minutes, the two arrived at U.A. As they entered their class, a majority of the students were already there. While some of them were in their seats, most of them were stood up, chatting with one another while they waited for the time to get closer to the bell. At the far corner, Ayano spotted Izuku with Uraraka. When he turned to see her, he smiled. He jogged up to her.

"Hey Ayano-chan!"

"Morning Izu!"

"Yo, Midoriya! Great to see you on this fine morning!"

"You too Kirishima."

Ayano looked to the side to see that Uraraka had followed him to their little group, and she had a faint smile on her face. There was a small glint in her eyes, but she couldn't place her finger on what it was.

"Hey, Uraraka. How are you?" Ayano asked.

The girl jumped. Startled, Ayano as well as Izuku and Eijiro looked at her in confusion. The girl began to get red, and she flailed her arms around as she answered the question. The faint smile morphed into a nervous one as the three continued to look at her.

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