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"Girl, do you seriously live under a rock? How do you not know that Mr. Yamada can sing?" Mina asked Ayano as they both sat down in their class. Because it was on the way, Ayano was going to walk with Izuku that morning, but a certain pink haired girl insisted on them going together. While they made their way to school, they had landed on the topic of their first hour teacher.

Mina fangirled of how she might ask him for an autograph and how she loved his music, to which Ayano had made a comment of not knowing what it was. This soon led to the question that she directed towards her now, which caught the attention of two other kids in her class.

"Wait, you didn't know Mr. Yamada makes music?" Kaminari asked in shock.

"That's surprising. You're always listening to Indie pop music, I thought you would've at least heard about his," Eijiro said as he smiled.

Ayano reeled.

"No, no," she began, "You cut me off before I could finish. I know about Mr. Yamada's music. Mina, just because I work doesn't mean I live under a rock."

All she could do was shrug.

Ayano narrowed her eyes at the pink colored girl, but sighed and shook her head.

"What I was saying was that I've just never gotten around to actually listening to it."

Eijiro and Kaminari made an 'oh' face while Mina began jumping in her seat. Excitedly, she began to shaking Ayano with the happiest look on her face.

"OMG!! You're listening to it during lunch. His music is so good!!!!!!"

Ayano tried to hold herself together, but she began getting dizzy from the shaking. Eijiro caught on and set a hand on Mina's shoulder.

"You might want to dial it down," he said as he sweatdropped. She did as he told. After a few more minutes, the door burst open to reveal Present Mic, and Mina softly squealed. Class began and the basics of English were being taught to the whole class. While Ayano took the notes that she needed, she briefly glanced behind her to see Mina with a bored expression on her face. This made Ayano laugh under her breath.

The rest of the core classes went on smoothly, and the time finally arrived for lunch. After she was able to grab her food from the counter, Ayano felt a tug on her arm. She looked down to see Mina with a large smile on her face before she began pulling Ayano to one of the tables. She grunted as she was roughly pushed onto the table chair.

"Mina, settle down," she demanded. The girl ignored her.

Ayano began eating her food as she watched Mina bounced in place, typing what she assumed was a song from Yamada's album. While she waited for her, Eijiro and Kaminari set their trays down next to Ayano and looked at Mina in confusion. The pink haired girl cheered as she found out what she was looking for, and she set down the phone in the middle of the table.


"Taiyou?" Ayano said tilting her head.

"Yeah! It's a great song! Just listen."

Mina pressed the play button, and the three leaned forward to hear it.

It started off with a riff from a guitar accompanied with the drums. The song progressed, and a rock plus pop type of song was made out of the melodies combined. Then, Yamada began to sing and Ayano sat amazed. The group tried to strain themselves to hear the music with the loud conversations of the cafeteria, but they were able to make out most of the music. Once it finished, Ayano hummed.

"He has a nice voice."

"I know, right?!" Mina squealed, "all of his songs are amazing! The guy is definitely husband material!"

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