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Surprisingly, it didn't take much convincing to get Shota up and moving with them. Though the two other friends wished it was because he wanted to spend time with them, they knew it was more related to the small threat of forcefully carrying him out of the room, riding on a cloud and parading him around the halls before getting to the lunchroom.

It was priceless to see how quickly he jumped from his seat and walked out the door.

Beaming, Oboro wrung his arm over Hizashi's shoulder as all three walked side by side towards the teacher's lounge. It wasn't too far away from the lunchroom thankfully, so getting their respective meals wouldn't take too long. Or, that's what they thought.

While they walked down the steps, a pair of voices caused them to slow down. One of them loud and clear, and the other was a little faint with some gruffness to their voice. They knew that the loud one was All Might. Hizashi lightly frowned at the realization. Shota put his wrapped hand on the man's shoulder.

Curious, Oboro turned his head to his friends and rose a finger to his lips. He began forming a small cloud at the bottom of each of his feet before they both connected into one large one. It floated him slightly above the downward slope of the handrail, and he peeked his head over to check who else the number one hero was talking to. When his eyes landed on his company, Oboro's nose twitched. His breath hitched, nails unconsciously digging into his palms.

Lowering back to the ground, he carefully blew out a steady breath to try and calm himself down, before making rapid hand motions and signs in his friends' direction.

"(Mr. Toshinori's talking to Endeavor)."

Hizashi's eyes widened while Shota's visible one deepened into a glare. Sure, some of the heroes they've worked with they disliked, which includes All Might in Shota and Hizashi's case, but nothing could amount to the hate all three harbored against the number 2 hero in Japan.

Not only did being a dick contribute to their opinions, but what happened fifteen years ago, they could never forgive.

"Come on, why the cold shoulder?" All Might boldly asked, "you should be thrilled. After all, your son is doing very well out there, just using half his power. You must be a great teacher!"

"Are you implying something?" The Todoroki growled.

"No! I want to know your secrets. How do we train the next generation of heroes?"

"Do you really think I'd tell you anything I taught the boy," Endeavor said as he descended the steps, "you're all flash and no brains as usual. Out of my way!"

Oboro frowned at the hero's response. Shaking his head, he went down a few steps and peaked around the corner. All Might stared off in a certain direction, which was where Endeavor was he assumed, and underneath his usual grin was an awkward smile at the blatant rudeness.

"Let me assure you of one thing All Might," he began, "whatever it takes, that kid of mine will beat you someday. I'll make sure of it, that's why I made him."

Oboro's eyes widened at the statement. He stepped back behind the barrier of the stairs, and he slowly looked at his two friends. A look of disgust crossed Hizashi's face. Next to him, Shota's glare seemed to grow sharper and grow dangerously red. His hands ached with pain as he they moved to clench underneath his cast.

"He's in a rebellious phase right now, but he will take your place. I'll make sure of it."

With that ominous phrase, Endeavor left, leaving All Might, Oboro, and Hizashi dumbfounded while Shota was seething. After the number one hero had walked off towards a random direction, all three frowned.

"Did...you hear what he said?" Hizashi asked hesitantly. But there wasn't a point to. They all heard, and each had their suspicions of what he meant. While one of their ideas was spot on, the other two weren't far from it.

Made him? What is he talking about?

It was no secret that Endeavor was always after the number one spot. Hell, he made such a remark so clearly to the number four hero himself at one point. Although everyone would think that a goal like that was an ambitious dream, considering how many people admired All Might and looked up to him, Endeavor never stopped trying to be the best. Which also meant standing on everyone else to get to the top.

And it looks like it's only gotten worse.

"That bastard," Shota said lowly.

Oboro nodded grimly. After a short while, they began making their way down the stairs, and he sighed internally. He was beginning to worry about the young Todoroki. Sure he wasn't in his class since Oboro himself was the homeroom teacher for 1-B, but even so, he's always worried for the students in the school.

And if he knew what Endeavor had done to his son, Oboro's own hatred for the man would burn brighter than his flames.

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