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The League of Villains?

Ayano stood her ground as she watched the stranger before them. He didn't make any advances towards them. Not yet, anyway. He rose his head and looked at all of them.

"I'm sorry about the intrusion. It's less than ideal that we have to do this at a time when students were present, but it was the only way to catch the Symbol of Peace off-guard."

At that statement, Ayano could feel her stomach drop. So, they were here for Mr. Yagi. Someone must have looked at the schedules then.

The man sighed, rubbing his neck in what seems to be frustration.

"But it looks like he isn't here, as I thought. I'm guessing there was a sudden change in plans?"

No one responded. Shaking his head, the man activated his quirk, and the same glitchy, distorted appearance that formed on the ground began to spread out behind him. An inaudible gasp made its way out of Ayano's throat, and she began moving subtly towards the front. She pushed past Kaminari, unknowingly causing the boy to look at her in worry.

"I guess nothing can be done. I still have a part to play. I just hope that those criminals won't let you suffer."

Ayano pushed her way out in front just in time to see both Eijiro and Bakugo lunge at him.

"Guys, no!"

Soundwaves shot through Ayano as the view in front exploded. Clouds of black smoke erupted, some debris flying everywhere. She shot her hands out to protect whoever was behind her, and she turned her head to the side.

"Did you think we were just going to stand around and let you tear his place to shreds?" Eijiro yelled.

Looking back towards the front, Ayano slowly retracted her hand as there was no debris coming at them. Bakugo and her friend were standing in front of the group, hands out and body set in a stance. As the smoke began to clear, she felt her eyes widen.

The stranger didn't seem all that phased, but that wasn't the part that surprised her. It was the fact that when the smoke dispersed, the villain's upper body and hand began to piece itself back together like a hologram. Ayano's hands tightened at her side.

"You really do live up to your school's expectations," the man said in a short huff, "but that won't be enough. Please, don't make this difficult than it already is."

"You two, get out of the way right now!" Thirteen yelled.

The flickering colors behind him began to surround them all. Ayano's eyes darted around to each of her classmates, eyebrows furrowed in worry and concentration. The closest people to her right now were both Mina and Sero. While Iida carried out two of her classmates, she saw Shoji shielding some others. Grabbing their hands, Ayano teleported both Mina and Sero towards the end of the barrier.

Just as she teleported again, she reappeared, but they still remained in the barrier. Ayano's eyes widened. Before she could contemplate on what happened, she heard the guy's quirk appearing behind them. She shoved Mina and Sero with what strength she could muster. Her legs swept out from under her, and Ayano gasped as she fell back.


There was not enough time to stick the landing. Ayano couldn't properly register the fast-approaching ground underneath her, and when she did, all she could do was minimize the injuries. She brought her arms over her face. Sharp pain burst through her stomach and her right leg. The fall was disorientating, and her vision began to blur as she tried to look around her. Ayano gasped, a hot searing sensation bringing her back to her senses. Yanking her leg away from the fire, she immediately pat down the flames that was slowly creeping up her pants

Metempsychosis || MhaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora