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It's already been a week since the practical exams for U.A. Since the written test was a few days before the practical exam, Ayano had already gotten her results. With a score of around 96%, she already got accepted in U.A. as well as Eijiro and Izuku. However, it was only a matter of waiting for the result of whether she got into the Hero Course or not. Sighing, she sunk into her couch, eyes staring up at the ceiling.

Eijiro quirked and eyebrow, sitting down next to her and handing her a hot chocolate. It was one of those days when both Ayano and Eijiro decided to hang out, this time without his siblings. They just wanted a random hangout day, and since they were taking turns, it was Ayano's turn to host at her house. Sitting up, she gratefully accepted the drink and blew on the rising steam.

"You okay? You seem a little out of it," Eijiro asked her.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," she replied in confusion, "I'm not out of it. Just a little nervous and bored waiting on the test results."

"Same, I really hope I did good."

"I'm sure you did well Eiji."

Once the hot chocolate was slightly warmer, Ayano sipped from its contents. Eijiro did the same. His arms were crossed in front of him to support his chin, and he was slightly leaned towards her side as they continued to watch what was on the television. After long hours of Disney movies, they ended up opting for just watching the news instead. There wasn't anything new in the Japanese news outlets, but there was news of half the Avengers splitting away from the other as they were separated by the Sokovian Accords.

"Damn, I feel really bad for them," Ayano said.

"I know, right?" Eijiro agreed, "they've done so much to defend America, but now they're being treated like criminals? That's so unmanly."

They both shook their heads at the information. A knock rapped on the door, causing both of them to turn. They both looked at each other in confusion, before Ayano got up. Stepping out of the blanket fort they made, she made her way towards the door and opened it. Yagi stood there, a plastic bag in one hand while his other was behind him with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, hey Mr. Yagi. What are you doing here?" Ayano asked.

"I heard you got a guest over," he said. He handed her the plastic bag, and she peeked inside. Two boxes with katsudon and Gyudon meats were neatly packaged with some rice balls. Ayano smiled.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do this."

"Hey, I'm more than happy to."

With a bow, she turned around and caught sight of Eijiro laying on his arms, his head faced towards their direction. She took the Gyudon box out. A toothy smile appeared, and he quickly got up, though gingerly stepping over the two hot chocolate cups, before jogging up to them.

"Thanks Mr. Yagi!" Sparkles were in his eyes as he stared down the delicious goodness in his hand before dashing towards the kitchen. Ayano laughed.

As he rummaged through the drawers, she felt two taps on her shoulder. She turned back to Yagi.

"Oh, and I've also come with a message," he whispered, his smile turning into a wide grin. He moved his other hand away from his back and presented the letter in front of her. Ayano gasped. She slowly took away the letter and held it in her hands, then looked up towards the man.

"Good luck," he said. While he entered his apartment, Ayano gingerly closed her door. She looked at the letter in her hands.

"Wh- tha?" Eijiro said muffled with food piled in his mouth as he struggled to balance their chopsticks and his food together.

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