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^The final ring

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^The final ring


Three consecutive knocks.

I spring up, erect at the sudden  disturbance in the atmosphere, and almost reflexively cough up a "what is it?"

A soldier enters.

"Your Highness, would you like to have your meal now?"


I open my draw and draw out a pocket watch. Upon flipping it, I find the time to correspond to a little bit over noon. It seems like I extended the time for a nap.

"Ah, no. I won't be taking a meal, thank you." I have no appetite.


"Wait. Have you any knowledge about the events at court after my departing from the same?" I keep the golden rimmed pocket watch back in my draw. That's when the painite necklace glimmers silently.

I must give it to her sooner.

"Your Highness, after you left the court, I heard that Prince Fredric uttered not a word later, until the very end of the session. As for the subject of the discussion, it was decided that the said dam will, indeed, be destroyed, and no objections were raised by any, whatsoever."

"What happened of Her Majesty?"

"Her Majesty stayed in court, albeit for only mere minutes after you left, before excusing herself from the chamber. Her Majesty, just like Your Highness, has refused to take her meals."

Now that, is something that occurs once in a blue moon day. Did whatever happened today, made her lose a nerve? I want to know it so badly.

"Bring me a slice of bread and tea. I'll have it here, in my study."

"Yes, Your Highness."

All of a sudden, I'm starving.

After the tiny pretension of a meal, I retired back to sending a reply back to the 'lost Princess' of Pesarex. Everything around her, is a complete mystery. Eugene has never mentioned Varuna at all in our conversations before. King Thronil was married twice? The eldest from the first is a daughter, the Princess of Logra, but I never heard about that. Why was she in Pesarex if Logra was her home? That too, treated like a prisoner? But why? From when?

'Just now, another cell was connected to that of Eugenes', parted with iron bars. All the while, I felt someone watching. It felt like a girl,' is the only thought that arises, as I leave the dungeon.

It feels like a string has been pulled in the back of my head when I recall that moment. If Varuna has been in prison ever since then, then...


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