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^The start of a flight

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^The start of a flight


The whole world is nothing but a deep abyss. The deeper you'd wish to go, the darker you'd wish it wouldn't get. You might wish to turn back; you might as well find a leverage to rise up, but what good does it do when you have a rope to be tied, but no rock to be tied to? You've come so far. You might as well dig deeper than trying infinitely to fail rising up. Someday, you will reach the other side, and when that happens, you'll know that what was up was actually deep down.

My lips curl up in a grin, and a bottomless chuckle escapes, making my shoulders tremble, along with my hand, with its fingers gently touching my nasal bridge.

"I'm getting better at self-counseling, it would seem," I menacingly remark to myself before lowering my hand and tilting my head up, simultaneously opening my long-closed eyes. "What a waste of time." I replace my smile with a glare.

The ground beneath my feet is covered in red sand. It might be the reason why the air has contents of what appears to be fog, but instead of white, it is red. Nothing else, other than the aspect of ground and air is visible.

My memory fails me, as I don't recall being in this atmosphere. Somebody has threatened my thoughts not to appear, since I can't help being distracted, every time I want to think. The act of thinking is now a plain imposibility that I've given up on at the moment.

From quite a distance through the fog, something seems to make its way towards me. It isn't clear on who or what it is, but slowly, the mystery unwraps itself. It is a fellow being such as me, trampling on my way.

I tread my way towards the stranger's silhouette, while the uninvited movement in the air shuffles the fog somehow, slowly settling it against the ground.

Little by little, I am introduced to the stranger, who is rather more familiar to me.

I encounter a low gasp as my eyes widen. I halt on my tracks for a brief moment and inhale a shaky breath before dashing through the fog. My legs cooperate, albeit, faintly.

"Is that...father? Father!!" I yell, but I confess, it was nothing more than a loud whisper. Even if I had yelled for real, I doubt if he would recognize his own daughter's voice, because my throat has begun to throb. I take quick steps, for I am somehow unable to run. My legs feel timid, and I hate to admit that.

I don't see any visible reasons, but his body sways a little before his knees give in and meet the ground. I tsk my tongue against my own incapability of reaching him on time. It is when his body slowly sways forward that I'm finally before him. My hands are on his shoulders, preventing him from collapsing. My breath is already a mess, but it gets even worse when his face is completely tilted towards the ground. His hands are limp against the ground, and it looks like they will move no more.

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