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"Nothing much..."



Who is that?


I...know this voice. But why?

"...Maria, can we..."

Ah yes. Maria.... Who is Maria?




Noisy. My ears are ringing. Make it stop.

I tilt my neck, ever so slightly, and a sting of pain grows from it. I try to concentrate on the noise which is forever fussy and unclear, as if trying to give a speech while underwater.

My breath seems to get lost within the noise but I concentrate on it anyways, slowly unwraping my consciousness.

"...Andrus, if I..."


What happened to him? Why does my head hurt? What...

'What is happening?' is a question I wanted my lips to frame, but instead, they give out an unidentifiable noise.


Lady? What lady?

Something large and cold glides against my face. A little rough, but tender.

"My lady?"


I flinch before forcing my eyes to open, but the mass of the sudden light makes me close my eyes, again. I relax and try again and again, until I'm able to look past the blinding light.

"Ah...finally! Just how long were you planning on sleeping anyways?" says a bored and tired voice that belongs to Maria.

"L...Louis? Why do you have that expression on your face? Its as if you're disappointed that I woke up," I comment in a rough voice.

"I wouldn't dare, my lady."

"And you're saying that within gritted teeth?" I mumble and push myself up from my bed in a sitting position.

"Are you alright, comet?"

Leaning with his side against the door of the balcony, Andrus asks with a smile, his hands crossed against his chest, and head tilted towards his side.

I smoothly suppressed the urge to cover my face with my hands in embarrassment, as memories surge within my head. I look down at my blanket and bite a little bit of my tongue.

"I...fainted..." I mumble.

"That's right. You fainted yester-night and had us bothered about you long Maria?"

"Eighteen hours, Your Majesty."

Mounted on the couch that is farthest from the bed, Queen Merida sips her cup. She glares.

"Is it the second time this month, Maria, that you were summoned to aid Her Highness?"

"No...the first was the artillery accident, then the poisoning incident, and this is the third time this month."


All eyes shoot at Andrus, who appears to be the only person in this room who is ignorant of the fact. It was supposed to be that way, after all.

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