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Daniel Williams 

"How's my son?" Danny asks right when the doctor walks out Steve holding his hand as Eddie and the rest of Strawberry team are behind them holding their breath. "Uhm...Evan surgery took a turn he suffered a haemorrhagic stroke mid way through the procedure which resulted in a lack of oxygen getting to the brain and Mr. Williams-Buckley is in a coma and if he wakes up there no telling what his brain function would be."

They all gasp covering their mouths looks of fear flashes through them, Eddie and Danny hands are shaking. "If...what do you mean by if?" Clay growls getting into the doctor face Jason and Steve pulling him back. "haemorrhagic strokes are very deadly only 1 in 4 people survive the initial attack and than around 1 in 3 people make it off the vent and those who wake up most of the time have extreme disabilities." Clay muscles relax to the point of tears as he backs up Eddie has a tear slipping down his cheek along with Danny who is bent over.

"So your saying he's not going to wake up?" Steve asks cursing god right now and also yelling at Freddie to force Buck the hell out of hell or heaven pretty even chance for those two. "N-Not per say it's hard to tell but we have 180 days before we have to pull the plug with the advance directive his neurologist had him sign." 

"W-Wait what?" They all ask at the same time feeling a knife go through their throat. "Due to his condition his doctor advised him to have a directive in place stating if he were to fall into a coma or end up on a ventilator after 180 days of no improvement or signs he would be waking up soon that his life support were to be withdrawn." They all look at the doctor feeling like a bomb has just been dropped on them. "When is the damn IED gonna go off now." Jason says hand on his head shaking his head.

"What?" Danny and Eddie asks Steve sucks in a breath smiling and shaking his head. "It's something we say, where is the IED or when is it gonna blow...we use it when one bad thing after another. Bet there gonna be an IED knowing our luck. Buck was the first to say it when he was 17." Steve says voice rasps and Eddie shakes his head at them with an offended look. "Jokes really."

Three weeks passes, 21 days out of the 180  Buck has shown no sign of waking up nobody has gotten any sleep Eddie refuses to leave Buck's bedside Danny walks into the hospital to see Eddie passed out in the chair hand holding Buck's and head laying on his stomach. "Hey Eddie you should go get some sleep, see your kid." Danny says softly when Maddie and Daniel Buckley run in. "Sorry our bosses were being pains in the asses with leave how is he?" They ask frantic and like they also haven't slept. 

"Still not awake they might have to push him deeper into the coma as he's having seizure activity a lot." Eddie mumbles tired and sore moving so they can sit next to their brother. "5 or 6 an hour, all lasting 30 seconds to a minute. Brain function is still unknown the longer he's out less likely he'll wake up and also more likely will have to pull the plug cause his stupid directive." Eddie says biting his lip shaking his head. "S-Sorry just gonna go home get some sleep please make sure he's not alone he panics when left alone after being held captive which is why me and Chris moved in." Before Danny can stop him he's out the door breaking Danny's heart.

"He's not taking it to well?" Maddie asks and Danny shakes his head sadly rubbing the back of his head. "He has a ring, he's going to propose once Buck recovers he's had the damn thing for almost six months before the surgery." Maddie and Daniel laugh at that Daniel kissing the top of his brother's head. "You have to come back little bro we all need you and we all love you. The 118 sending prayers even." Daniel whispers softly to Buck who's heart rate picks up a bit. "Can he hear us?" Danny asks and Daniel shrugs.

"Don't know I mean there no way to know." He responds running his hand over his little brother's head and whispering something. "You got this kid brother, ok you've survived worse than a stupid stroke Evan, don't let this be the thing that stops you. Your only 26 your two damn young to be dying ok so live for your family." Maddie says sternly kissing his hand Daniel shaking his head.

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