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Steve Mcgarrett

"Evan wait stop for a second!" Steve and the others all pause all reaching for their guns until they turn around to see Eddie standing there the two new guys instead of one there two confused on why Buck is so shocked shooting a glance over to Steve who shakes his head no than to Danny who also shakes his head no. "Eddie is everything ok, is Chris ok I am kind of about to get onto a plane." Buck asks when it clicks into Steve brain what is about to happen and he thinks this is either going to go according to plan or completely awful. 

"Look I know that the point, your about to fly half way across the world I might not ever get to see you again!" Poor clueless Buck tilts his head raising a brow as they see Eddie turn bright red rubbing his head. "I'm gonna come back and I will obviously come to LA since my older siblings live there." Jason and Clay lightly snort at how clueless the kid is and how he doesn't know what's coming when he walks them a bit further but somehow his coms got turned on. 

"No you don't get it Buck, I...you could not come home and I you are amazing and so caring under your trust issues." Everyone sees Buck tilt his head again laughing as we whisper to each other. "Your son is the most clueless mother fucking in the entire world holy shit Daniel." Blackburn says shaking his head when all of a sudden you see Eddie pull Buck into a kiss when Buck grabs him off of him. "Oooh that not good." Hondo says slightly shaking his head shuddering when all of a sudden Buck kisses him back. "YESSSSS! FINALLY!" Steve says everyone arms going up in the air except the two newbies who look more than confused. 

"WAY TO GO BABY SEAL!" Clay yells excited while Danny has the proudest look on his face Buck and Eddie bright red. "YES KID THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT!" Everyone engulfs Buck and Eddie into a huge hug than Jason and Blackburn are shaking Buck excitedly that the kid is finally getting back out there. "Ok I don't think giving me fucking whiplash is a good fucking idea right when were about to go to Afghanistan guys!" He grumbles getting forced into another group hug by the team. "Finally son your back out there." Danny says giving his son a hug who smiles shaking his head. 

"Be safe Evan me and Chris want you back here in Hawaii in one piece." Buck gives Eddie one last hug everyone taking pictures of it. 

They all get on the plane and are up in the air when Eli asks a stupid question. "What the hell was that about though why were you guys so excited?" He asks Steve who scoffs rolling his eyes and shakes his head. "First be careful bout asking questions when your 34 just getting off of green team I as team leader already am unsure of you. For two KID has been through so much trauma and fucking bullshit bad luck to reach this point." Steve pauses taking a swig of his beer crossing his arms looking at him.

"KID passed through training and was put on this team at 15, he had gotten badly hurt on an op a year later due to higher up mistake. At 18 he watched his fiancée plummet to his death on faulty equipment, than barley a year later his best friend my best friend and the man who should be sitting in your seat bleed out in his lap his whole body being covered head to fucking toe in his best fucking friend's blood. Than when our team was basically discharged when he was 21 he had a fire truck explode with him in it and crush his leg. So him finally allowing himself to be happy is something the five of us are going to fucking celebrate because we have seen and heard this kid suffer more times than we can count."

Steve says spitting at his feet walking away from him and walking over to Buck with a smile not giving a shit if he was rude or over dramatic. "So KID you don't have a thing for him?" Steve teases Buck who blushes deeply hiding his head.  "Yeah I guess so you were right like always." Buck says with a smile rolling his eyes than raising a brow. "Ever since I joined the military I haven't spent a single one of my birthdays with Danno or my siblings." The five of them stop moving than bust out laughing wheezing with how true that is. "Oh my god that is true, we have been on tours or missions for every one of your birthdays since we have known you!" Clay says shoving Buck who smacks his hands when he goes to strike Buck ending up on the floor. "You dumbass, really thought you would kick my ass. I kicked Jason ass remember at how old fifteen god Freddie was so fucking proud."

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