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Ok first things first, this background story is strictly AU ok Yes I understand that the U.S Navy let alone the SEALS would never invite a 15 year old. I also only know some things how things work from TV and a small amount.


Evan Williams-Buckley was born to Margaret Buckley who had an affair but Daniel "Danny/Danno" Williams didn't know he was her affair. Buck has four half siblings, Maddie Buckley, Daniel Buckley, Grace Williams and Charlie Mcgarrett-Williams. Buck was living with the Buckley's during his younger years and everything was fine he never knew that he wasn't his father's Child.

Once Maddie his oldest sister turned 18 she left him he was only 7 when she decided to pack up to go live with her husband Doug Kendal. Things started to get bad between him and his 'father' and his mother. They started to ignore him for hours the only person he had by his side was his older brother Daniel but than 2 years later when Buck was 9 he left to go to medical school to become a surgeon.

That when Evan "Buck" Williams Buckley life got a whole lot worse, his parents started to hit him, lock him away in a room and forget about him forget to feed him until one day he woke up on a plane not knowing where he is.

That's when he found out that Daniel "Danny/Danno" Williams was his biological dad he was scared. It took some time for Evan to trust him after finding out that Danny wouldn't force him to call him dad they made up a nickname, Danno so Buck started calling Danny Danno.

When Buck was 11 his little sister Grace Williams came along by his step mother Rachel who in Buck's opinion was an annoying bitch constantly degrading his Danno, he hated her but he absolute loved Grace with all his heart. 

When Buck was 12 he found out he loved fighting so Danno enrolled him into Karate and he excelled at along with boxing he started getting scouted for boxing. 

Later that year Buck had called Danny dad for the first time and continued to do so every so often and that made Danny so freaking happy that his son called him dad for the first time in the two years he taken care of him. 

When Buck was thirteen he started taking an interest in guns which had worried Danny at first until he found out Buck wanted to be a cop or S.W.A.T so he reluctantly bought Buck a pistol that he kept unless they were at the range Rachel did not like that one bit. Danny told her that it was fine that he should be allowed to have his likes and interest he always gives me the gun the moment were done as per the agreement. 

Buck also started getting the feeling that his stepmother hated his guts for some reason but he never really cared she wasn't mean like his mom was never locked him in a room or denied him food just didn't like him. 

When he turned 14 he started working out and he had won fights against kids that were 17 year old's that made Danny proud and worried knowing his son can be dangerous when mad but at the same time his son is the sweetest and most well behaved kid who outside of the fights would never hurt a soul. 

Buck was a little difficult at times but that when Danny realized by taking him to the doctor is that he wasn't difficult and it was ADHD which made him feel horrible that he didn't know for so long as that would have explained a lot.

Danny was sitting on the porch of the beach house when he herd Buck get excited after checking the mail he came running to the porch. 'Danno!...Danno! I got an invitation to join the Navy SEALS, I got an invitation to join an elite part of the military!' Danny felt sick to his stomach hearing that why in god green earth would they invite a 15 year old to join the damn Navy let alone the SEALS.

'I what? Kiddo are you sure you really want to accept it?' Danny asked even though he was highly against the idea he told himself he would never be like his dad and never tell his kids what they can and can not be in life though he wanted to cry. 'Please dad, this would be amazing Danno, I mean SEAL teams there are some badass...sorry for my langue dad but there are some badass people!' Danny made Buck take a few days to talk it over he decided to push the over protective side of him and let his son have this because he has the biggest smile across his face talking about it. 

Buck started his BUDS training and not only was he the best for his age he even did better than a lot of the adults on the training. Buck was put on green team at first to finish the training he had when he punched an officer everyone thought he had simply gotten kicked out of the Navy. But that gave them the excuse to move Buck to one of the 'myth' teams that most SEALS don't even know about. Team Strawberry, one of the most elite teams in the Naval history that even most higher ups know about. 

The Strawberry team goes on the deadliest and most dangerous and high targeted Black Op missions that are highly classified that you can not talk about it. 

The only people who started to be his family know him better than his own Danno did.

The team consisted of.

Commander Steve Mcgarrett- Who starts dating poor Buck's dad and is like a second dad to him, and also the team leader-Strawberry 1
Commander Eric Blackburn- who was in charge at TOC & HAVOC before some classified stuff happened and he went on the reserves.-Strawberry 2
Petty Officer First Class Clay Spenser- who is an older brother to Buck, crazy temperamental and protective.- Strawberry 3
Chief Petty officer Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson- temperamental hot headed.- Strawberry 4
Master Chief Petty Officer Jason Hayes- Tactical takes death hard make sure to keep his team members as safe as possible.- Strawberry 5
Lieutenant Commander Evan Williams-Buckley.-Strawberry 6

At first everyone doubted Buck because of his age until one of them saw him shoot and another one challenged him to a fight and he knocked them clean out within three minutes of the fight. His only response was, 'Danno let me join Karate and boxing when I was 12 and than allowed me reluctantly to start shooting at 13. Plus if the Navy wasn't confident in my abilities they wouldn't have invited a fifteen year old to join at all let alone a black op team.' He told them walking off to call Danno.

They were confused on who Danno was and what he does. 'Who Danno?' Clay asked in his cocky defensive voice and Buck just shrugged. 'My dad that I didn't know was my dad till I was ten after who I thought was my dad put me on a plane in the middle of the night after beating me.' Buck leaves the others in shock at that comment.

At 21 6 years into the team the team was told that they were disabled until further notice as they were not needed. But the one down side was if they wanted to go their own way they had to have permeant water proof coms placed and it wasn't that bad you could barley tell it was there.

When Buck had a truck blow up and crush him his first year on the job as a firefighter because he was told to start an investigation against the fire department and police department so he did happily. He woke up to his dad and his second dad Steve who started dating Danno two years prior so when Buck was 19.

He was in touch with all his siblings even the 3 year old Danny and Steve had v of surrogacy together who was his half brother. Charlie Mcgarrett Williams. 

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