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Steve Mcgarrett

"This is a military case so were off of this got that Evan they are assigning it to another team." Steve tells Buck sternly who glares at him crossing his arms angrily. "What no they can't do that, it has for one been two years since we have had a case for two HE KILLED FREDDIE!" Buck stands up and Steve just stands there unfazed while Danny on the other hand is shocked by the behavior change the quick anger. "This is why our team is not going after him." 

"Well than I am sorry!" Steve goes to answer him to ask for what when he punches him square in the nose than kicks his knee putting Steve into a head lock Steve flips Buck over who than hooks his legs around Steve flipping him over leaving Danny and the two others shocked but it seems like they have gone through this routine before. "Two years, I have spent two years of any free time I have tracking him down I am not...letting this go!" He says pinning Steve down somehow had gotten cuffs on his hands and his feet. "When the hell did you have the chance to put cuffs on me! Evan you are to close to that!"

"I helped you catch Wo Fat men, I helped you catch the guy who killed your mother! I am doing this for Freddie Commander I am sorry." Buck says setting his cop gun down along with his badge while dragging Steve over to the door using the cuffs he stole from Danny and cuffing him and adding zip ties. 

"I am a SEAL we do not pass things up because of danger YOU taught me that I am doing this because maybe I will finally be able to get over his death I am done not using my skills. Thanks for the cuffs dad." He says running out of the room as Steve who is detained is cuffed and restrained. "Somebody get me out of this so I can get to him!" Steve growls trying to get out of the cuffs when did Danny's kid get that good. 

"I'm sorry Steve I still love you but I am never gonna back down he killed Freddie and shot you and Hondo he isn't making it out alive this time." Steve hears through his coms Buck voice has gone cold and stern. When Steve lost hope Blackburn voice rings into the coms and Buck has a change of heart. "Evan don't do this KID, we are going to get him and we will bring justice but getting yourself discharged won't do anything getting yourself put in prison won't do anything!"

"He killed Freddie!"

"Look and I get that ok, something like that to happen at 19 holding somebody in your hands as blood soaks your body is painful I know that feeling ok it happened to me ok I had somebody bleed and it soak every part of my body the blood seep through your pants to feel it in-between your toes your hair it is something that you will never get over the feeling of your best friend blood coating your entire body, the sound of it the feeling of it the smell of it." It shocks Steve Blackburn never talks about Levi, Steve and Blackburn were both only in their fifth year of being a SEAL so around the same amount of time as Buck.

"I was a Command Master Chief Petty officer at the time my fifth year in service, his name was Levi we had been on a simple op a stupid recon when we were ambushed, Levi had been shot in the carotid artery, and stomach the blood went everywhere Evan and I remember sitting in that chopper praying that we made it to the field hospital and when he had stopped bleeding I felt everything stop but at the same time my smell and hearing and sight focused on the blood the sound of it and god the smell the metal smell I couldn't move Steve who was same year as me and Jason who was a first year had to wash the blood off of me, but it had stained my skin for a week and the thing is 13 years later I can still feel it KID we are humans not robots."

Steve hears the walking over Buck coms stop and the sound of him sitting down making Steve sigh as he gets out of the restraints. "How did you get over it?" He asks after five minutes of silence all you could hear was his breathing I see him tucked into a corner of the building he stays hidden knowing he can make things worse. "I first for the first two years was devastated and also not wanting to believe it was true than came the part where I over worked and pretended it never happened than I became angry because we never caught them. Than by year five I learned to accept it as it is because I knew I was surrounded by people who love and care about me including you KID, I focused all my anger into making sure the five of us kept fifteen year old you alive."

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