✧Chapter 19

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"J-jeogiyo Ahjussi" Suyeong stumbled towards Du-sik. "That ajjuma still hasn't come out of the bathroom"

"Hmm? She hasn't ? Do u wanna pee?" She nodded while the old mad panicked and got up.

The lady had been in the bathroom the whole day, as Mr.Han thought she was in labour or something. But now the situation made him worried, making him want to check if the lady is alive inside or not.

He grabbed his sniper and stood in front of the door, hand placed on the lever to open the door.

Exhaling through his mouth for the last time, he pulled the lever and slowly pushed the door aside.

He froze. Hand shaking while it stopped from pulling the gun trigger, had his pupils wide.

A pumping flesh, more like a huge womb, was attached to the bathroom. Mr.Han could see a huge figure inside the womb, crying, cackling, kicking.

The womb was glowing and thumping hard, the old man just stood frozen and gaped at the sight.


All four of us sat quietly in the basement. I never left Hyun su's side cause' I felt uncomfortable around the other two men who sat across us. Ren-jun glancing at me from time to time.

Suddenly, we heard the door opening, all our eyes shot towards the sound.

Eunhyuk barged inside. Suk-hyun ran towards him with a grin, hoping that the glasses boy had come to ask him about his health, but soon turned down when he spoke up, "Cha Hyun su, I need to talk to you" his eyes never met mine.

Hyun su turned towards me before holding my hand and dragging me, before I could say anything.

Eunhyuk's jaw clenched at the sight as he turned away, leaving us to follow him. Suk-hyun whining behind us and Yoon-jae just sat there watching the drama.

Closing the door, Eunhyuk crossed his arms and started, "Why do you think I took your side earlier?" The question directly for Hyun su, and not me.

"I'll be honest with you, I want you to do all the risky and dangerous work for us"

I clearly thought this was absurd and spoke back, "What do you mean do all the risky work?"

He closed his eyes and sighed before turning to me, "The old man in room 1408, Can you bring him here?"

I looked down, avoiding the boy's hard gaze on me while thinking 'why does he want Mr.Han down here?'

I spat back, "Do you think we're here to run some charity for you? Taking advantage of our infected body?"

He shot his piercing eyes to me, "I'm doing this for all the tenants. You both are the strongest ones here, that doesn't mean I'm making you bark like a dog around us. "

"That's absurd "

"What's absurd is you started flirting with this dude, making clichè moments, while I was worried about when you'd come back safely"

I clenched my jaw, and balled my first so hard that my nails pierced in my skin, creating new wounds and oozing blood. Hyun su noticed the red drops on the ground and gulped.

Eunhyuk continued, "You had one job that was to bring Hyun su down safely, not acting like a slut with the tenant."

That triggered me, now I had tears in my eyes, "I-is that why you were ignoring me? Because I just spent some quality time with him, making friends with him, supporting him? Don't you even know how much I suffered?
I was too happy when I heard your voice through the speaker, hoping that I'd meet you soon. I almost died fighting with monsters but tried my best just so that I could see you soon after everything ends. I did so many sacrifices and guess what, the person who I cared about decided to ignore me and ditch me just because I made a good male friend. I-i see no reason f-for you to hate m-me like that, E-Eunhyuk "

By now, Eunhyuk felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He knew he was wrong. He could see the pain in the girl's eyes.

I turned away, not able to hold myself together. I tried to stumble away, but both the boys caught my arm. I turned and glanced at them for a second before yanking their hands off of me and nearly running away from the scene.



▫️➖➖➖➖ SYSTEM ➖➖➖➖▫️

I reached the basement again, but didn't enter, knowing those two creepy men were still inside. So I slid beside the entrance while hugging my knees and internally breaking down.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 26 ⏰

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