✧Chapter 2

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"Aish, this dream again" I rubbed my eyelids before looking out the window.

Should I do it?

What's the reason of living anyway?

I slowly walked toward the terrace ground. I stood on top of the sill and looked down at the droughty grass of the roads.

"Yah! You!" I flinched apon hearing a sudden voice behind me. I saw a girl with silky brown hair looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Did you throw this?" She asked. Pointing at a bubblegum under her foot. I shook my head slowly. She huffed and asked the same question to someone on my left. I didn't notice him at first though.
Is he my neighbour.

I saw him shaking his head too. The girl sat on the sill a took out a cigarette from her pack. She looks too young for smoking.

"Don't die here, you'll just worry the people living here." She stated as she puffed out some smoke.

Does she refer to me or that boy?

She noticed me staring at her with disappointment.

"You want one?" She asked and showed me the packet she was holding. I shook my head again. "I don't smoke." With that I started walking towards my dorm room. I heard her chuckle behind me.

It was currently 3 in the afternoon and I had nothing to eat except a bar of chocolate. I had to go to the supermarket downstairs, but I didn't want to see that stupid old man with his wife again. But then my stomach started making sounds.

Nonetheless, I grabbed my wallet and head downstairs.

When I reached the lobby, i saw a lot of people gathered near the shutters.
I asked a nearby lady holding a white furred puppy. "What's going on here?"

"The shutters are locked and people don't know where the key is." She said as she glanced at the people freaking out.

On my left I saw the old man again. He had a gang behind him.

"I'm trying okay!?" He yelled.

Looks like the market is locked too.

Soon, a guy around 18 years with glasses came with a fire extinguisher and broke the lock
"Work smarter, not harder." He said while smiling with sarcasm

"Pftt, whatever." Puffed the old man looking somewhat pissed by the younger male's actions.


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