✧Chapter 5

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The next time when I woke up was in a bright coloured room.
The room was filled with vibrant coloured walls, hanging stars, and.....baby cribs?
I walked outside the room to read the sign board and it said 'Daycare' in bold letters.

I was pretty confused about how I ended up here. The last thing I remembered was me falling on the floor.

I went back inside and saw a computer which was slightly blinking various lights. I decided to go through it. Now...how shall we fix this.

I rummaged through the cabinets to find a wire. And....voila! Found it.

After a good five minutes of trying to open the computer.....i succeeded.

I was able to see the range bar at 1%
'hmm...might as well work' I thought.

I checked the dimly lit, old computer. I wondered what exactly happened to this world. I got on browser and searched for the recent news update.

I watched a bold title appear on the screen.

'CRU CRU: a caution alarm'

I quickly clicked on it and started reading it.

'The world seems to be ending.
People have been turning into creatures.

You may have been infected if you get these symptoms:
-sudden growls

This is happening because of an infection named 'CRU CRU'

Scientists have been researching for a cure. The only way now is to stay quarantined , whether infected or not.

A scientist said that the cause of this infection is-'

The range went off

I put my head on the table and eventually fell asleep. I wasn't even able to go back to my dorm as the elevator is out of service and the stairs are taped up. I don't know why.


( Flashback )

"Do you even know what you have done today!?" All I could see was a crying face of my mom and a raging face of my dad. I fell back on my knees with my eyes diverted on the ground.

"A-appa, you need to believe me! S-she looked like a d-demon! She even tried to attack m-me!"

"Stop! No more excuses! You think you've become too smart to make up things to succeed in such situation. You little shi-!" He raised his hand for slapping me.

(End of flashback)


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