Chapter 12

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Enzo's POV

I have been working all day trying to get rid of Vera, she has been sending men to to spy on us and we have killed and tortured every one of them. I've called Matteo to tell him around 9am but never got him. He called back 11:35 and I asked why he didn't answer, he said that he was with Alexia, I don't mind but but when he said Alexia my mind went Arianna.

I don't believe in love at first sight but I fell in love the moment that front door opened.

"Hey Enzo, do you know what Matteo is gonna do tomorrow, we have a very important shipment and we need to be there because the Russians are going to try and steal it" Luca said.

"I think he's going to send Antonio and some other men to collect it with a lot of guards" I said to Luca.

"Okay, I need your guys help, should...?" Leo started but Luca cut him off, "yes you need to".

"I didn't even finish" Leo said. "We already know what you're gonna ask" I said, "oh really what is it" Leo said confident that we wouldn't know.

"You we're gonna ask if you should tell Matteo that you're fucking his sister and plot twist he already knows" Luca said.

Leo looked shocked that we know but it's no surprise. They made it super obvious and it even Matteo already knows but he doesn't care unless he doesn't hurt her.


Matteo returned home after about 30 minutes. The door opened to reveal Matteo with a huge smirk on his face but when he saw us the smirk instantly dropped into a frown.

"Don't you have a house?" He said walking over to us.

"Yeah we do but why go over to our house when we have this big house for your best friends" Leo said spreading himself all over Matteo's couch.

"Who got you smiling like that when you walked in" I asked already knowing the answer.

"None of your business" He said sitting down next to Luca. "You know I prefer Luca over all of you guys he knows when to mind his business" Matteo putting his am around Luca.

" Hah told you I was his favorite pay up" Luca said standing up putting his out for the money. Leo and I scowled but gave him 100 dollars each.

"Seriously a 100 dollars you guys are fucking billionaires" Matteo said looking at us weirdly.

"We know but we were out in public when we made the bet so we kept in cheap" I said.

"Hey when I called you today on the phone was there someone with you I could hear mumbling and shuffling" I asked Matteo.

"Yeah I was with my beloved fiancé" He said chuckling getting up to go his room. "I'm gonna shower don't sleep here today y'all are very loud in the morning" he said before leaving.

There's one thing I know about Matteo and it is that he will ruin poor Alexia.

Disclaimer about the book!!

Hey everyone I know it's been a long time since I updated and I know this chapter is extremely short but I have bad news I have to put this book on hold for a few weeks. But I promise that I will continue the book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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