Chapter 5

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Matteo POV

Holy fuck.

Those two words were the only thing that came to mind when I saw my soon to be wife walking down the stairs, she was gorgeous and I could not wait for her to be mine. When her father -that I did not like- called her over I seriously could not stop staring at her, we made eye contact and her eyes were hazel, a really beautiful hazel. We were just standing there staring at each other when her father nudged her and then she introduced herself to my parents.

It was when I heard my father's voice I stop staring at her and spoke "nice to meet you bellissima" I couldn't help myself  so I kissed the back of her hand when I looked at her I could swear I saw light pink appear on her cheeks and that made me want to smile but I didn't, she was beautiful and nothing can change my mind about that. "Great like how introductions are aside let's head to the dining room" Mr. Adair said. We followed behind them and I took the seat opposite from Alexia.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and they stopped so I turned my attention where the footsteps were coming from, I froze in my seat staring at the girl, she was staring right back at me then Mr. Adair said she should take a seat next to Alexia. I was praying she wasn't related to them but when Mr. Adair introduced her as the eldest daughter I knew that I instantly hated that man, she greeted everyone and sat down.

I knew that Alexia had a sister named Arianna but did it have to be that Arianna, I saw how confused Alexia was when we were just staring at each other that means she doesn't know and I felt even worse.

I wanted a chance to at least try to make a conversation with her but this stupid man that was her father kept asking me questions and I had to answer them but I cannot bother with my father ranting about how this can be better for the mafia. My sisters were supposed to be here but we had a shipment coming in and I couldn't go so they had to fill in for me.

"So Alexia how's your company doing" I heard my mother ask, "Arianna and I company has been doing great Mrs. Rossi" Alexia said standing up for her sister I saw her father turned to look at her and I swear if he says something to her I'm going to kill him, "my apologies dear" my mother apologized sweetly.

We went to the living room after eating to discuss some more about the wedding, I turned my attention to Alexia when I heard her sigh when she pulled out her phone. After we were finished talking, my father took out the marriage license paper. After I signed it was Alexia's turn she took a deep breath with a sad expression and signed the paper as if she was signing her life away. We said our goodbyes and left even though I didn't want to leave.

My parents drove home while I took my car to the warehouse where the shipment was being made. I took out my phone and called Luca to see if he handled a job I gave him. Luca was my best friend and can be trusted with anything.

"Ciao don" ( hello don) he answered the phone, "Ciao Luca hai finito il lavoro" ( hello Luca is the job finished) I asked, "si I'll lavoro e finito, okay dude aside from work be honest, did you like her?" he said. "Seriously Luca that's the first thing you ask me" I scoffed, of course I did like her she was beautiful but I wasn't going to tell him that so he can tell Enzo and Leo. "Come on tell us" I heard Enzo in the background, "are you there with Leo and Enzo" I asked even though I already knew the answer, "yes but did you like her" Luca asked again, I didn't answer the question "I have to go, I'm at the warehouse we'll talk when I get back" I said and hung up.

I took off the suit jacket and rolled my sleeves up to my elbows and stepped out of my car. The guards greeted me and I just nodded and went inside, I saw Kayla talking with one of the Russians who were delivering the shipment. I didn't see Mia around so I walked up to them "Ciao Kayla e arrivata la spedizione" (Hello Kayla has the shipment arrived) I asked her "Ciao Matteo si esso ha" (Hello Matteo yes it has) she said. "Grazie, puoi andare ora" (thank you, you can leave now) I said to the Canadian guy, he walked away and I turned back to Kayla, "where is Mia" I asked her, "I don't know she went out, the Canadians were taking long with the shipment so she left, I'm going home now" she said leaving.

"Where is that girl" I muttered heading to my car, I opened the door and left the warehouse, I knew the guys were at my house waiting for me.

I arrived at my house in 20 minutes, the guards opened the gate and I entered through the gates I parked the car and I opened the door to my house. I went into my living room and there they were sitting on my couch eating chips, "finally I didn't think you were bother coming" Leo said, "it's my house why wouldn't I come home" I said walking over to where they were sitting down, I took a seat at the end of the couch exhausted.

"What happened today did you like her" Luca said, I took the chips from him and threw it in the bin "you would not believe if I told you what happened today" I said still can't believing it. "Tell us I want a good laugh right now" Enzo said.

After I told them everything with Alexia and Arianna, they couldn't stop laughing while I sat there watching them have the best time of their lives, "so you're telling that you fucked her sister two days before meeting her" Enzo laughed, "Wow Matteo how are you going to tell your wife that you fucked her sister" Luca said chuckling. I took a deep breath really wondering how I'm going actually tell her. "I told you I didn't know she was her sister until today" I said defending myself.

"This is why you just don't go around and fuck everyone you see" Leo said still laughing, "look at whose talking" I said to him. "Hey at least I didn't fuck my fiancé sister" he said, "are you ever going to stop talking about it" I said not wanting to remind myself. "Never but relax one day you will have the guts to tell her and we'll just laugh about it again" Luca said.

I sighed getting up from the couch "I'm going to take a shower, please don't be here when I get out" I said. "You wish, we'll be right here waiting for you" Enzo said.

I turned on the shower waiting for it heat up, I took off my clothes and I went in when it was hot. While I was showering my mind drifted off to Alexia, I love everything about her the way she walk, talk and even smile was beautiful. I loved the way her dress hugged her curves perfectly, if our families weren't in that room I would have ripped the dress off her and fucked her right across the table.

Even when I was thinking about her I was hard like painfully hard, I couldn't wait until she was mine to pleasure, love and fuck. Couple minutes later an idea came to me, why wait until we get married next month, I could change the date to make it sooner. I don't care if it would be early, only thing that would matter is that she will be my mine.

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