Chapter 3

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Alexia POV

I woke up feeling like shit and when I got up to get ready for work I looked in the mirror and my eyes were puffy and red from crying. I went into my bathroom to take a really hot shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. I wasn't going to wear any makeup today except a little concealer and lipstick, I decided to wear a white thick minidress with a white suit jacket and a pair of my nude color heels and my Chanel purse.

 I wasn't going to wear any makeup today except a little concealer and lipstick, I decided to wear a white thick minidress with a white suit jacket and a pair of my nude color heels and my Chanel purse

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After showering, I went into my living room to see if Ari has woken up yet but she wasn't. Whatever man she slept with last night really fucked her up literally, last night when I tried to get into my house she kept wincing when I accidentally walked a bit too fast.

I finished making some coffee when Ari woke up, I gave her some Aspirin and a bottle of water and she said thanks. " I don't want to go to work today" she whined, " Neither do I" I said feeling sick when I remembered what happened last night.

It seemed like Ari noticed something was wrong with me so she asked " Hey what's wrong with you I noticed you weren't yourself since last night" I wanted to tell her but I knew that she would get angry and probably call dad and make things worse. "Nothing just not feeling well" I said hoping that it would convince her, "I know you're lying and so tell me" she said. I sighed "Fine, last night when mom called I went over to their house and they said that they had something to tell me and dad said that..." I didn't want to finish the sentence but I knew she wouldn't let me leave without telling her "they arranged a marriage between me and some man called Matteo Rossi" I said looking down.

She stared me after some while said "What the fuck did you just say I don't believe this shit" she yelled forcing her way up from the couch looking for her phone I knew what she was going to do with it and I stood up and stopped her.

"Please don't do that it'll just make things worse, I'm gonna go over to their house after work and find some way out of it" I said " You know nothing can change their minds about something like that" she said calming down a bit "I know but their has to be one thing" I said trying to think of something. "Listen don't worry we will go to the company and take care of today's work and then afterwards we go visit them and try to change their minds" she said trying to reassure me but I knew that there was no way out of this and she also knew.


I dropped Ari off at her house so that she could get ready, I offered her a ride but she said that she would drive her own car. I wasn't really going to work yet so I was happy when she said no to ride, I went straight to my parents house knowing exactly what I would do. I thought about it every minute since I woke up this morning and tried to find a way out of it but I couldn't so I came to only one decision. I knew Ari would never approve of what I was about to do.

After I arrived at their house I went straight to my father's office where he always was during the morning time. I knocked on the door and he told me to come in, he didn't even move his eyes away from his laptop to even acknowledge me.

"Morning father I came to discuss something with you" I said looking at him, he sighed and looked up from his laptop "I thought we were over this you will marry him end of discussion" he snarled. "That's why I came to talk to you... I will marry him father only for your sake but I have one request" I said seeing a grin appear on his face, he rose from his seat and walked over to me and said smiling "I'm so happy that you reconsidered this, what is the request my sweet daughter".

"If I do this marriage arrangement thing of yours you will never ask me for another favor, when I marry this man you will never call for me to anything for you ever again" I said nonchalantly, he thought about it for a second "Okay Alexia but I want you meet Matteo Rossi and his family tomorrow evening at 5 how about that" he said grinning like a mad man. I sighed already regretting saying yes " Fine I will come tomorrow at 5" I said unsure, he nodded and went over to his desk and started doing his work, I left the house and headed to my car.

I sat in my car, took a deep sigh and drove towards my company. On my way I kept wondering how Arianna was going to react when I told her but I knew she wasn't going to take it well, I think the reason why dad never chose Ari to marry Matteo was because he knew that Ari would never agree with him so he chose me, the one that always wanted to please him. I decided to go to McDonald's and order some food so that it would be easier to talk to Ari.

After ordering the food I went to the company and took the elevator to Ari's office, I saw her seated around her desk typing on her laptop. I knocked on the door and she looked up at me " Hey where were you I didn't see you in your office when I got here" she said. "Oh I stopped to get some food for us and I have one more thing to tell you" I said walking towards her desk to take a seat. She looked at me suspiciously and said "What did you do".

"I went to see dad after I dropped you off and requested a was that if I agreed to the marriage arrangement he would never ask me for another thing and he wanted me to meet Matteo and his family and before you say anything it was the only good option and you know it" I said watching her carefully. She sighed "Fine you're right it was the only good choice but I want to be there with you when you meet him. You want to know something, coincidentally the guy that I slept with last night his name is Matteo but I didn't get his last name" she said taking the food.

"Great the man I'm marrying already slept with my sister" I said jokingly. "I never said it was him there's a lot of people with the name Matteo and if it is him you're lucky his dick is big" she said stuffing fries in her mouth. "Ari we're at work someone could hear that mouth of yours and I have to get some work done" I said standing up. "Relax why did you think I suggested to get these walls sound proof but anyways thanks for the food" she shouted the last part, I rolled my eyes and smiled walking away.

This chapter is NOT edited so please tell me if there are any mistakes

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