Chapter 6

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Arianna POV

I woke up with the worst headache ever, I checked my phone and saw a lot of messages from Ari saying sorry and asking where I was, I wasn't angry at her I am just too tired to answer. I looked at the time and it was 9:54, I overslept but I didn't even bother to get out of bed.

I pulled the cover up to my chin ready to go back to bed then I heard my phone, I really didn't want to answer it so I left it alone until it rang again I groaned then looked to see who was calling me. It was father and I knew he wouldn't stop calling so I answered. "Good morning father" I said wondering what he wanted, he would never call me to check up or if he wanted something he would just tell mom to call me so this call was unexpected.

"I need to speak with you about the marriage be home by 11, don't be late" he exclaimed and hung up, he didn't even say good morning or anything, I put my phone back on my bedside table and went back under the cover.

I wasn't planning on getting out of bed today but I wanted to know what father had to say about the marriage, what if they canceled it. I got out of bed praying that they canceled it, I had one hour to get ready so I went into my bathroom and turned on the shower waiting for it to heat up.

I put my hand under the water to test the temperature and it was perfect I took off my clothes and stepped in. I took up my strawberry body wash put some on my loofah and bathed with it. I didn't want to take long with my shower because I was hungry, I stepped out of the shower 10:32 and put a towel around myself.

I went over to my sink to brush my teeth and wash my face I changed into some comfortable clothes because after I visited father and I come straight back home I really just couldn't go to work. I put on some black sweatpants with a black crop top hoodie and decided put my hair in a ponytail, I couldn't bother to wear any makeup so I just washed my face.

I went into my kitchen to put on coffee but just went with water, I ate some toast and I was ready to go I only carried my keys, my phone and the half bottle of water

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I went into my kitchen to put on coffee but just went with water, I ate some toast and I was ready to go I only carried my keys, my phone and the half bottle of water.

I started my car and drove off, as I was driving I heard my phone rang I took it up and saw it was Arianna I answered the call and she instantly said "Where the hell have you been? do you know how worried I've been?". " Hello to you too" I said knowing that she won't take that as an answer, " I can't believe you I've called and texted since you left yesterday" she said worried, I felt bad that I've worried her " I'm sorry" I said truly.

"It's okay but you truly scared the shit out of me, I'm sorry about yesterday if I'd known I wouldn't have.." she started but I cut her off "Ari stop you have nothing to be sorry about I don't even know him and I don't plan to" I said truthfully.

She sighed and said "Wait where were you last night", "I was at a club" I said honestly, I was pulling up into my parents garage. "Something bad could have happened to you, you should've called me" she said, " I wasn't alone Ari and you don't have to worry me" I said getting out of my car. "What then who were you with" she asked, " Hey we should talk later I have something to do I'll come over to your house" I said. "Fine we'll talk later and I can tell you aren't coming to work today" she said already knowing the answer, "yeah sorry I have to go" I said then hung up the phone.

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