Chapter 1

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                                                            Alexia's POV

I was packing up from working all day at the company. I put my phone in my bag and sat down on the couch, I sighed and opened the bottle of whiskey that was on the table. " Do you want some" I asked my sister Arianna. " Girl are you really asking me" she said sitting down next to me. Ari was always drinking except from when she was working, she loves partying and drinking and I don't mind at all.

I poured a glass for myself and gave her the bottle, I wanted to drink it all but one of us had to drive. "Please don't get wasted, you are a bad drunk and I'm not carrying you to my car" I said looking at her take a huge gulp from the bottle.

" Don't worry I'm just taking a sip and then I'm heading on down to the club, do you want to come ?" She said, " I'm good, do you want a ride" I said, "Yeah thanks" she said.

A few minutes later Ari finished the bottle while I had one glass, just as we got up from the couch my phone rang, I frowned wondering who would be calling me at 8 pm I really hoped it wasn't work related. I took my phone from my bag and looked at the caller ID it was my mother, I sighed wondering why she was calling.

I answered the phone and said  "Hello mother" waiting for her reply. "Where are you" she said, "Just leaving work"." Can you be at home by 9 we need to talk to you" she exclaimed. "Okay" I said sounding  a bit unsure. I hung up and turned to Ari.

"What did mom want ?" Ari asked, "Nothing she said that she wanted to talk to me" I said. She shrugged and grabbed her purse and walked to the parking lot, I followed after her and said "Which club do you want me to drop you off at?". "My favorite one" she said smiling, "of course the one with the hot guys" I said chuckling.

About 10 minutes later I dropped off Ari at the club and told her to call me when she wanted me come pick her up.

I headed to my parents wondering what they wanted to speak to me about, on the phone she sounded nervous. I can only imagine what they wanted to talk about like giving up the company or kick Ari out of the company, my parents never liked how Ari drinks but I didn't mind because we builded the company together and I couldn't just take it from her, she's my partner in crime and no one can change that.

I arrived at my parents house in 43 minutes, I walked inside and headed to the living room where they always are when they wanted to talk me. I saw them seated on their couch talking to each other, once they saw me they stopped speaking. "Hi dad and mom" I said looking at them confused.

"Alexia darling you're early have a seat" mom said gesturing to the couch opposite from them. I sat down waiting for them to tell me what they wanted to talk about. " We have something very important to ask of you and this can help our companies, yours and also mine" my father said looking at me.

I sat up straight in my seat and asked " What is it", ready for whatever they have to tell me. "A marriage has been arranged between you and Matteo Rossi the eldest son of the Rossi family" my father declares seriously, I froze not understanding what the fuck he just said, I looked at my mother to see if it was a sick joke but she just sat there not making eye contact with me, after a while I finally spoke "What the fuck! I will not be marrying someone I don't know are you crazy?" I knew there was no room for discussion with my father but I had to try.

"It was not a question Alexia and we already signed the papers" my father yelled.

I stood up feeling the urge to cry but I didn't because I wasn't going to show them that this affected me "So you sold me without even consulting me, I am not marrying him!" I raised my voice. "Listen you will marry him end of discussion, you are being ungrateful this can help everyone!" my father said standing from his seat.

"No it can help you because all you care about is yourself and your stupid business no one else!" I said pointing my finger at him, I looked at my mother and she just sat there looking away from us I felt my phone vibrate non stop in my hand and I looked at it to see about 10 messages from Ari saying that I should pick her up I checked the time and saw it was 9:45. I picked up my bag and stormed out of their house without even glancing back at them I heard him yell something but I wasn't even listening to him anymore.

I went in my car and closed the door, tears started falling from my eyes and I couldn't control them, I wiped my eyes and started to drive.

How could my parents let their own daughter marry a stranger for their business, I was pissed but Arianna is going to be angry when she finds out, Ari was born 4 months before me and she is an amazing older sister, she is always there to protect and take care of me. Ever since I was little and dad would not pay attention to us, she was always there to play with me.

I pressed the gas accelerator hurrying to pick Arianna up.

I saw Ari standing outside the club with her heels in her hands, she was leaning on the wall rocking her head to the music that was playing loudly from inside the club, her hair was a mess and you could she was wasted and just had sex. I pulled up to the club and parked my car and stepped outside walking up to her. "Seriously, you look like a homeless person" I said putting my arm around her waist holding her up.

"Oh hey it's Alexia, you would not believe the night I've had sister" she said limping, "Same sister same" I said carrying her to my car. I sat her in the passenger seat and went over to my side and started the car, I rolled down the windows so that she could get some fresh air. I couldn't stop thinking about everything my father just said. After some time I looked at her and she was fast asleep.

This is the first chapter, I know it's a little bit messy but I hope it's good.

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