30. Suspended time

Start from the beginning

They stared at each other for awhile, savoring their mutual emotion. Mitch leaned forward cautiously and kissed Avi slightly. He sat back.

- You even didn't make the boat move, whispered Avi, a little smile tugging at his lips.

- I will soon be a good sailor, answered Mitch playfully.

- Wanna try?

- Are you serious?

Avi handed him the handles of the oars and he guided his first movements. But Mitch's try was rather pitiful, and the rowboat started to turn around. They burst out laughing, and Avi took back the oars.


Back at the cabin, they had lunch. Then, Avi said he needed to take a nap. Mitch smiled.

- Go for it, I'm not sleepy, I'll stay here.

He had spotted a few books in a bookcase and decided to have a look. He picked one and lounged on the couch.

About half an hour later, he went to check on Avi. He opened the door slightly, and saw him lying on the bed, still deeply asleep, an arm across his eyes as to hide from the daylight, strands of hair spreading on the sheets, shirtless.

He sat down carefully, leaning against the footboard, and crossed his legs. He had brought the book and he continued to read, glancing at Avi from time to time.

Another half an hour later, Avi let escape a deep sigh, stretched, and rubbed his eyes. Under his half-closed eyelids, he spotted Mitch staring at him. He said in a soft low voice:

- Hey! You there? For how long?

Mitch didn't answer. He unfolded his legs, lowered his book on the floor and leaned down over Avi's chest. Placing his hands on each side of him on the mattress, he pecked light kisses from his belly to his neck, pinching a nipple with his lips on his way.

Avi half-chuckled half-moaned and wrapped him in his arms, making him fall on him. He rolled on his side, carrying Mitch along, and kissed him almost roughly.

- Do you know in which trouble you're getting into, waking me up like this?

- I hope so, smirked Mitch. Anyway, it's your fault.

- My fault?!

- I've been sitting here for half an hour, you're so cute when you sleep... I even don't know how I could resist touching you earlier!

With a greedy smile, Avi kissed him back, sliding his hands under Mitch's shirt to remove it...


When Avi got up from bed an hour later, he kissed slightly a still dizzy Mitch and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. Mitch heard him get dressed and go to the main room. He stretched lazily and got up in turn. When he left the bathroom, he found the main room empty.

He heard a car door slamming gently. He froze, not really worried, but intrigued.

Then he heard footsteps in the porch, and a moment later, the soft sound of a guitar. He smiled.

He made a cup of coffee, and appeared in the doorway. Avi raised his head towards him, still scraping the strings of his guitar.

Mitch sat down beside him in a graceful movement. Avi stopped moving his fingers and stared at him.

- Why did you stop?

- I've seen an angel alighting beside me. You're beautiful.

- Avi!

- It's true, smiled Avi, who turned his eyes back to his guitar, moving his fingers again.

He began to sing an old folk song. Mitch felt his cheeks slightly blushing and leaned his head to rest it on Avi's shoulder. He wasn't used to it yet, to get such spontaneous and sincere compliments. Many people had called him "pretty", "cute"or "beautiful", but it was usually innuendos. Avi was simply telling what he had in mind, without any expectancy or ulterior motive. Mitch closed his eyes.

When the music stopped, he felt Avi moving carefully to rest his guitar against the wall.

- Mitch?

- Mhhh?

- Are you falling back asleep? whispered Avi.

- No, I'm just feeling good, answered Mitch, a little smile tugging at his lips.

Avi lifted his arm, and throwing it above Mitch's head, he slid it behind his back to wrap his waist and pull him closer against him. He cupped his chin with his other hand. Mitch remained eyes closed. He felt Avi's breath against his face. Light kisses on his forehead, his eyelids, his temples, his cheeks... A quick peck on the tip of his nose made him chuckle.

Avi's lips eventually pressed lightly on his, brushing them lightly in slow moves. Mitch let escape a light moan and slightly parted his lips. The kiss deepened, while Avi was lifting his legs and turning him, to sit him on his lap. Mitch slid an arm around Avi's waist, grabbing his shirt with the other hand.

Avi pulled away slowly and buried his face in Mitch's neck. He sighed deeply and muttered intensely:

- I love you. I love you. I love you.

Mitch shivered so hard that Avi raised his head to give him a concern stare. Mitch giggled dopily. His eyes half-opened, he explained:

- I feel exactly the same way as this day, when you kissed me for the first time. As if I was living in a fairy tale. Then I realised it was real, and... Oh! Avi! I'm sure all will be fine! It can't be otherwise! They can't break this!

- Yes Mitch, all will be fine. We'll do as we've always done. We'll face it, make it our own way, and go forward. I feel strong now.

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