"What you block me for?" I asked her. "Cause it's my motherfucking phone. I can block whoever I wanna block. Now move out of my way bruh." she responded.

"But why'd you block me? It's not that deep." I said. "It is that deep. Cause you keep playing with my emotions." Tayleigh claimed.

"How?" I scrunched up my face.

Tayleigh ignore me, walking around me. "I keep telling you I'm not sure yet. You already knew that when you decided to put your dick inside me so..." I shrugged.

Tayleigh snapped her head around, staring at me. "You keep saying you don't know, then do shit like you do know. Which confuses the hell out of me. So to limit that confusion, Ima just block you." Tayleigh shrugged back.

"Ight bruh. Whatever. You wanna fuck other ugly ass bitches with desert, dirty pussy go right ahead. I hope your dick fall off." I walked off.

"Just remember whose pussy made you nut in five minutes." I mumbled.

"Just remember whose dick made you orgasm for damn near a minute straight." Tayleigh shot back. Unfortunately, I do.

I acted like I wasn't affected by her words and continued walking.

~ the next day ~

After waking up and getting ready for work, I decided to text Tayleigh to see if I was still blocked. And I wasn't.

So I decided to finally be vulnerable and tell her what I wanted.

Although I was running a little late, as I was leaving out of the house, I went to reread my message and happened to see Tayleigh read my message. I know she fucking lying.

I tried not to let it piss me as I was soon to be at work, but what the fuck she leave me on read for?

I put my music on and headed towards the bus stop, taking my usual route. While walking past Tayleigh's house, I looked up from my phone. I noticed the door open out the corner of my eye.

I turned my head slightly, seeing some thot ass bitch walking out of the house practically naked. I then noticed Tayleigh behind her, slowly backing into the house looking at me. I sighed to myself as I continued walking.

She will be dealt with.

The whole thing kept replaying in my head the entire time I was at work. Now it made sense why her hoe ass left me on read.

Although she was suddenly tryna get in contact with me all day.

By time I got off work, I was more than ready to confront Tayleigh. Walking from the bus stop, I saw Cam and stopped him.

"Yo, Tay in the house?" I asked him. He hesitantly nodded, smiling a little. "Anybody else in there?" I wondered. "Nah, they all went out to handle some business." Cam explained.

"I think Tay sleep though..." he then said.

"Yea, I don't really care." I shrugged. Cam laughed loudly. "Bruh, if you gon hit her or something, at least let her get up." he chuckled.

"Nah, she good." I smiled, walking up the steps to the porch.

I went into the house and made my way up to Tayleigh's room. The door was shut and I opened it, not giving a fuck. I walked in, seeing Tayleigh knock out in her boxers and sports bra.

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